galasa-dev / projectmanagement

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Set up Docker proxy cache for GitHub Container Registry #1888

Open jadecarino opened 4 weeks ago

jadecarino commented 4 weeks ago


As a Galasa developer, I want to use GHCR as a Docker cache, so that we don't encounter the Dockerhub pull limit during our build pipelines.


We currently have a Docker proxy cache set up in Harbor and many of our custom images pull FROM a Docker official image like alpine. The proxy cache allows us not to hit the Dockerhub pull limit (100 pulls every 6 hours).

We need to set up the same thing for the GHCR so that when we eventually get rid of Harbor, our Docker builds don't start failing, and instead pull from the GHCR proxy cache.

So all FROM statements in our Dockerfiles that are like: FROM would become FROM


jadecarino commented 4 weeks ago

@techcobweb FYI - something I've just thought about while making the 'automation' GH Actions workflow.