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Add spotbugs and pmd to framework #1899

Open techcobweb opened 2 weeks ago

techcobweb commented 2 weeks ago


As a galasa code developer I want to run modern tools against my code to find bugs before I deliver changes, so my code is better quality than it would otherwise be.


Spotbugs and PMD are code checkers which work well against Java code.

Mark Lawrence checked an example into the manager recently. using this pr:

Lets try to get these tools working against all or part of the framework code to see if we can get value out of them.


Wyvinar commented 2 weeks ago

results from running pmd and spotbug on the dev.galasa.framework.api.authentication package

techcobweb commented 2 weeks ago

I think you configure vscode with a plugin to read those things when they are available ? The xml files are not very readable, so that would make it hard to consume the output. Can you pls try that to see if you can get any sense out of it ? @Mark-J-Lawrence can advise if you get stuck...

Wyvinar commented 23 hours ago

working branch is: