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As a Galasa Ecosystem administrator I need an easier way to manage CPS properties applied to an ecosystem via a file #1904

Open Tom-Slattery opened 1 week ago

Tom-Slattery commented 1 week ago


As a Galasa Ecosystem administrator I need an easier way to manage CPS properties applied to an ecosystem via a file


I am currently looking at changing to a config as code way of managing CPS properties for a Galasa ecosystem. I am building up a YAML file that can be passed to the following command:

galasactl resources apply --file cps_properties.yaml

However, I am finding that due to the amount of extra surrounding information that needs to be stored per property, this file is ended up being very large and hard to manage:

apiVersion: galasa-dev/v1alpha1
kind: GalasaProperty
    namespace: propertynamespace
    value: propertyvalue

I think it would make more sense to have the option to supply a more compact CPS properties yaml file, perhaps using a more traditional YAML approach to the way variables are organised e.g. separating by namespace like this:

framework: value value2
another_namespace: value