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As Galasa Admin I need an option to pass credentials to galasa ecosystem to pull OBRs from external repository like JFrog #1907

Open haripra86 opened 1 week ago

haripra86 commented 1 week ago

At present there is no way to pass credentials to Galasa ecosystem so it can pull OBR from private artifactories like JFrog etc. We need this option so we can host code on safe repositories.

I see 401 auth response while submitting tests. Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: https://na.xxxxxx.xxxx/zapm-tests/ibm.zaiops.zapm.tests.obr/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml

This needs to be prioritised as it will compell admin to create and maintain a unsecured artifactories just to make galasa system work while IBM provides more secured artifactories.