galv-team / jupyterlite

JupyterLite instance with Galv example workbooks.
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Galv JupyterLite


JupyterLite is a JupyterLab distribution that runs entirely in the browser built on top of Pyodide, Xeus, and Lumino.

The Galv instance of JupyterLite is a fork of the JupyterLite project with example notebooks illustrating some common battery science workflows.

✨ Try it in your browser ✨


JupyterLite is currently in an early development stage, so for real scientific work you should use a more stable Python environment.

Example notebooks

Downloading data and metadata


The repository includes a Dockerfile so that the JupyterLite build output can be inspected.

To build the docker image use docker build -t galv-jupyter ..

When you run the image, bind the local directory to /jupyterlite in the container. On Linux, you can do this with docker run -v $(pwd):/jupyterlite galv-jupyter jupyter lite build --contents content --output-dir .dist.

On Windows, you can do this with docker run -v .:/jupyterlite galv-jupyter jupyter lite build --contents content --output-dir .dist.

You'll find the output in the .dist directory. This will be hidden on Linux systems, so you may need to use ls -a to see it.