gameDNA installer is an automatic SDK downloader and installer for gameDNA's plugins. No more downloading SDKs and creating packages on your own! Just one click and it will do everything for you!
More info about plugin and installation instructions you can find in User Guide.
Unpack the plugin archive to the Plugins folder in your UE4 project folder (for project plugins) or Engine/Plugins/Marketplace (for engine plugins) and start the editor.
Enable gameDNA installer in Edit -> Plugins -> Misc -> gameDNA installer.
Go to Edit -> gameDNA or click on the gameDNA icon on the toolbar in the Level Editor.
Android configuration:
a) Go to Project Settings -> Platforms -> Android and change Minimum SDK Version to 16 and Target SDK Version to 27.
b) Go to Project Settings -> Platforms -> Android SDK and change SDK API Level to latest and NDK API Level to android-19.
c) Go to the NVIDIA CodeWorks installation path and run Android SDK Manager.
You can find it typically in:
Install or update the following libraries:
Now, the gameDNA installer main window is visible and you can install or update SDKs for installed plugins in the engine and/or a project. Relax and enjoy. That's all!
If you experience TLS certificate error on macOS, please update mono to the newest version:
If you experience the infamous 64k methods error, you should download and install the free MultiDex plugin:
If you have any antivirus software installed on your computer, please add the following file to the whitelist: _[PLUGINFOLDER]/Extras/Core/gameDNAinstaller.exe. The file is 100% safe but is not present in antivirus databases so it can be reported as a Trojan by some programs.