gamozolabs / coverage_highlight

A very simple coverage highlighter for VIM
MIT License
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This is a very simple source line highlighter for VIM. It takes in a basic json file located at .coverage.json in the CWD, and displays highlights lines indicated by the json!

Coverage format

This uses an extremely simple coverage format. Just a JSON dictionary with filenames as keys, and arrays of line numbers as values.

For example:

        "": [2, 3, 6]

The coverage file loaded is always from .coverage.json. I didn't even bother making it configurable, cause it's never something that I would see myself configuring.

The filenames are fuzzily matched between the VIM filenames and the coverage file filenames. The comparison is just a.endswith(b) or b.endswith(a). Thus, the paths may be relative or absolute, and partial matches also will occur.


Example image


To install this, place the and coverage_highlight.vim files into your ~/.vim/plugin/ folder. It's that easy.