gandrade / assessment

🇩🇪 :oncoming_taxi: Backend Software Enginner applicant test for a hide-hailing company
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java-8 maven spring-boot-2 spring-data-jpa spring-mvc spring-security swagger2

DISCLAIMER: After the code challenge has been delivered (commit: 1a601da). Since there, I've progressed making code improvements and keeping it up-to-date from dependencies perspective and provide tooling to monitor and verify how healthy is the current code base.

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:oncoming_taxi: mytaxi backend applicant test

Task Description

You should be able to start the example application by executing com.mytaxi.MytaxiServerApplicantTestApplication, which starts a webserver on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080) and serves SwaggerUI where can inspect and try existing endpoints.

The project is based on a small web service which uses the following technologies:

You should be aware of the following conventions while you are working on this exercise:

You should commit into your local git repository and include the commit history into the final result.

Task 1

Task 2

First come first serve: A car can be selected by exactly one ONLINE Driver. If a second driver tries to select a already used car you should throw a CarAlreadyInUseException.

Task 3

Imagine a driver management frontend that is used internally by mytaxi employees to create and edit driver related data. For a new search functionality, we need an endpoint to search for drivers. It should be possible to search for drivers by their attributes (username, online_status) as well as car characteristics (license plate, rating, etc).

Task 4 (optional)

This task is voluntarily, if you can't get enough of hacking tech challenges, implement security. Secure the API so that authentication is needed to access it. The details are up to you.

Please include instructions how to authenticate/login, so that we can test the endpoints you implemented!

Authentication instructions

username: mytaxi
password: mytaxi

Good luck! ❤️ mytaxi

NOTE: Please make sure to not submit any personal data with your tests result. Personal data is for example your name, your birth date, email address etc.