ganehag / cantt

CANTT is an Arduino library (or compatible) for sending long messages over CAN bus using a topic and payload
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
14 stars 1 forks source link

CANTT, a Telemetry Transport for CAN bus

While based upon ISO-TP (ISO-15765-2), this library does not retain compatibility with ISO-TP. Read more about the explanation in the section titled "Compatibility issues with ISO-TP".

A topic and message protocol/library to send MQTT like messages over CAN bus. This library is not dependant on the specific CAN bus implementation and has been tested both with MCP_CAN_lib as well as the CAN implementation in the Particle Photon/Electron.


See the usage.ino file in the examples/usage directory.

Compatibility issues with ISO-TP (ISO-15765-2)

While trying to build a library that was compatible with ISO-TP, significant issues arose from the Flow Control frames. These frames are supposed to follow a First frame as an acknowledge/acceptance from the other side. However, this library is supposed to broadcast messages from and to every node on the bus. Having each node sending a Flow Control frame whenever they receive a First frame results in lots of strange behaviour, and too much unnecessary overhead on the bus.

It was thus decided to skip the Flow Control frames and in favour of sending the First frame and directly after that all of the Consecutive frames.


BSD 3-Clause License

Simple Example

CANTransport CANTR0(canAvailable, canRead, canSend);
CANChannel CAN0(CAN_D1_D2); // Particle Photon/Electron
// MCP_CAN CAN0(10); // MCP_CAN LIbrary (Arduino)

uint8_t canAvailable() {
  return CAN0.available();
uint8_t canRead(CANMessage &msg) {
  return 0;
uint8_t canSend(const CANMessage &msg) {
  return 0;
void callback(uint32_t addr, uint8_t *topic, uint16_t topic_len, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payload_len) {
  // Handle topic and payload

CANTT cantt(DEVICE_ID, CANTR0, callback);

void setup() {

void loop {
  // cantt.publish("some/topic", "some kind of data");