ganeshsar / UnityPythonMediaPipeHands

Testing hand tracking inside of Unity using Google MediaPipe Hands Python bindings.
MIT License
13 stars 3 forks source link

Multithreaded Unity Python MediaPipe Hands

NOTICE: this project has been replaced by Tracking4All which is actively supported and features much better quality, is cross-platform with embedded Unity support and more!

Testing hand tracking inside of Unity using Google MediaPipe Hands Python framework. Webcam readings, piping, and MediaPipe Hands all run on a different thread.


  1. Requires Python, Unity Hub, a WebCam, and decently fast CPU.
  2. pip install mediapipe
  3. Clone this repository.
  4. Run the Unity project FIRST which acts as a server.
  5. Next run which actually runs MediaPipe Hands.
  6. Go back to the running Unity project to see your hands inside of the game view.
