gap-infra / integration

A repository for hosting GitHub Actions based GAP-package integration tests
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GAP-and-packages integration tests

The purpose of this repository is to test various aspects of GAP and its packages.

To some degree, the tests in this repository should help us detect:

The tests of whether GAP has broken itself currently exist in the main gap-system/gap repository.

High-level status dashboard

This is an attempt to replicate a dashboard like the one that existed at We hope to provide much more fine-grained status information, in the longer term.

This also serves as an easy entry to manually dispatch small subsets of these jobs.

Test GAP master GAP stable-4.11 Manual dispatch
GAP test suites gap-master-caller gap-stable-4.11-caller Dispatch gap-tests.yml (TODO)
Released packages pkg-master-caller pkg-stable-4.11-caller Dispatch pkg-tests.yml
Development packages dev-pkg-tests-caller Dispatch dev-pkg-tests.yml