gardenifi / raspirri_server

RaspirriV1 is an intelligent irrigation system powered by RaspirriV1 server software designed for Raspberry Pi written in Python. Compatible with Raspbian OS, this robust system offers a versatile solution for automating irrigation, making it an excellent choice for both residential and commercial applications.
10 stars 2 forks source link

License: MIT PRs welcome! Documentation

Python Build codecov

Raspberry Pi-based Smart Irrigation System (RaspirriV1)

RaspirriV1 is an intelligent irrigation system powered by RaspirriV1, a versatile server software designed for Raspberry Pi. Compatible with Raspbian OS and tested on Raspberry Pi 4 models, RaspirriV1 offers a robust solution for automating irrigation. Notably, this system can be easily adapted for use with other IoT devices, requiring minimal modifications for scheduling specific date and time-based activations or deactivations. Leverage the flexibility of RaspirriV1 to enhance the efficiency of your irrigation system or adapt it for various IoT applications with ease.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

To get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine, follow these steps. This project includes:


If you forgot the wifi pass or you made a mistake you may fix it with a file called wpa_supplicant.conf:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

Add it in the /bootfs of the SDRAM and rebooot


Enter /var/tmp/ and download the latest release: and after untar enter the folder and execute:


If you would like to uninstall it:


Verify that Python services are running

You should have 2 python linux services running on your RPi board:

pi@raspirriv1:/var/tmp/ $ ps -def | grep python
root 5148 5138 16 11:29 ? 00:00:01 python3 raspirri/ mqtt
root 5188 5179 14 11:29 ? 00:00:00 python3 raspirri/ ble

View logs

sudo journalctl -f -u rpi_server.service
sudo journalctl -f -u rpi_ble_server.service
sudo journalctl -f -u rpi_watchdog_server.service

Clearing all logs (including active ones):

To clear all logs, including the currently active ones, you can stop the systemd-journald service, remove the journal files, and then start the service again:

sudo systemctl stop systemd-journald
sudo rm /var/log/journal/*/*  # Remove all journal files
sudo systemctl start systemd-journald

Be cautious with this method, as it will clear all logs, including the ones still being written.

Restart, Stop, Disable, Enable Services


sudo systemctl restart rpi_server.service
sudo systemctl restart rpi_ble_server.service
sudo systemctl restart rpi_watchdog_server.service


sudo systemctl stop rpi_server.service
sudo systemctl stop rpi_ble_server.service
sudo systemctl stop rpi_watchdog_server.service


sudo systemctl disable rpi_server.service
sudo systemctl disable rpi_ble_server.service
sudo systemctl disable rpi_watchdog_server.service


sudo systemctl enable rpi_server.service
sudo systemctl enable rpi_ble_server.service
sudo systemctl enable rpi_watchdog.service


After installation of the project you should have installed the pre-commit tool. On every git commit you run locally, pre-commit hooks will run and protect your code changes against errors that are related with the following plugins:

(venv) pi@raspberrypi:~/raspirri_server $ pre-commit run --all-files
debug statements (python)..........................................................Passed
check docstring is first...........................................................Passed
fix end of files...................................................................Passed
check for merge conflicts..........................................................Passed
check json.....................................................(no files to check)Skipped
check for added large files........................................................Passed
check yaml.........................................................................Passed
python tests naming................................................................Passed
fix requirements.txt...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
trim trailing whitespace...........................................................Passed
Run unit tests.....................................................................Passed
Checking whether Unit Tests code coverage is below threshold.......................Passed

Quality Assurance

Most of the Unit Tests have been written with Codium.AI. Thank you Codium.AI!!

Unit Testing

You may run unit tests in a Python virtual environment:

sudo rm -rf venv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages

For x86_64 dev environment:

RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS=1 LOGLEVEL=debug PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) coverage run --include=./raspirri/* --omit=./raspirri/ble/* -m pytest -rA -s -vv && coverage xml

For Raspbian OS dev environment:

RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS=1 LOGLEVEL=debug PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) coverage run --include=./raspirri/* -m pytest -rA -s -vv && coverage xml

Unit Tests Code Coverage

You may create Unit Test Code Coverage reports by executing in Raspberry Pi:

RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS=1 LOGLEVEL=debug PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/raspirri coverage report -m --fail-under=75 --include='raspirri/*' --sort=Cover --skip-empty --omit='raspirri/ble/*' && echo "Unit Tests Code coverage is above 75%!"
Name                            Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
raspirri/          51     18    65%   86-87, 103-122, 126
raspirri/              191     65    66%   55-56, 132, 152-154, 156, 170-171, 218-220, 225-228, 234-239, 250-252, 263-318, 322
raspirri/server/           231     71    69%   119-120, 201-213, 218-224, 236-241, 249-276, 293, 296-299, 319, 323-327, 341-342, 347-350, 388-397
raspirri/server/        284     79    72%   56, 240-242, 265-269, 423-427, 533, 536-551, 588-590, 592-594, 604-615, 627-635, 654, 658-666, 670-687, 696
raspirri/server/           68      7    90%   64, 70-80, 112, 118-119
raspirri/server/       229     11    95%   501-504, 522-530
raspirri/server/       8      0   100%
TOTAL                            1062    251    76%

2 empty files skipped.
Unit Tests Code coverage is above 75%!

In column "Missing" you can see the code lines that are not covered so you can write more Unit Tests to increase the code coverage. The current threshold to pass Github actions is 75%.

Quality Gates through Sonarqube

Install Sonarqube as root

sudo rm -rf sonarqube
mkdir -p sonarqube/logs && chmod 777 -R sonarqube && cd sonarqube
export SONARQUBE_HOME=$(pwd)
docker run --detach -d --name sonarqube \
-v $SONARQUBE_HOME:/opt/sonarqube/extensions \
-v $SONARQUBE_HOME:/opt/sonarqube/data \
-v $SONARQUBE_HOME:/opt/sonarqube/logs \
-p 9000:9000 \
-p 9092:9092 sonarqube

docker logs -f sonarqube

Create Project

Analyze your project

docker rm -f sonar-scanner
docker run --detach -d --name sonar-scanner \
-v $(pwd):/usr/src \
sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli -Dsonar.projectKey=9475199c-9132-11ee-a11b-9f71450e156a \
-Dsonar.sources=. \${SONARQUBE_URL} \
-Dsonar.token=sqp_b3a1f41488c19e81ce2d45ceb90a0b4a4028a3be \
-Dsonar.scm.provider=git \
docker logs -f sonar-scanner

Check now in the SQ dashboard the results


After installation there are two services that implement two major modules:

  1. BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy): Implements the communication module between mobile device and the RPi through bluetooth protocol.
  2. MQTT: Implements the standard protocol for IoT communication through Internet (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport).

Here is the folder/files structure explanation:

├── raspirri
│   ├── ble (bluetooth modules)
│   ├── server (RPi and MQTT modules)
│   └── (FastAPI module)
├── certs (SSL certificates for the FastAPI server)
│   ├── cert.pem
│   └── key.pem
├── tests (unit tests)
│   ├── api (FastAPI & MQTT Unit Tests)
│   ├── ble (Bluetooth Unit Tests)
│   ├── server (RPi Unit Tests)
│   └──
├── ->
├── requirements.txt
├── requirements-dev.txt
├── rpi_ble_server.service
├── rpi_server.service
├── ->


First of all you need to stop services:

sudo systemctl stop rpi_server.service
sudo systemctl stop rpi_ble_server.service
sudo systemctl stop rpi_watchdog_server.service
  1. BLE module
    (venv) pi@raspberrypi:~/raspirri_server $ ./ ble
    Virtual Environment Found...
    Argument provided: ble
    Argument used: ble
    2023-12-05 20:06:40.434 | INFO     | __main__:main:241 - Initializing main...
    2023-12-05 20:06:40.435 | DEBUG    | __main__:main:242 - Setting timezone to UTC
    2023-12-05T20:06:40.666 | INFO                 | wifi:init_ble:166 | Initializing BLE module...
    2023-12-05T20:06:40.669 | INFO                 | wifi:init_ble:169 | app path: /
    2023-12-05T20:06:40.670 | INFO                 | wifi:init_ble:170 | app services: []
    2023-12-05T20:06:40.671 | INFO                 | wifi:__init__:89 | Adding WifiCharacteristic completed.
    2023-12-05T20:06:40.671 | INFO                 | wifi:_log_characteristics_added:76 | Adding characteristics completed.
    2023-12-05T20:06:40.676 | INFO                 | service:register:101 | /: Adapter: /org/bluez/hci0
  2. MQTT module:
    (venv) pi@raspberrypi:~/raspirri_server $ ./ mqtt
    Virtual Environment Found...
    Argument provided: mqtt
    Argument used: mqtt
    2023-12-05 20:06:07.439 | INFO     | __main__:main:241 - Initializing main...
    2023-12-05 20:06:07.439 | DEBUG    | __main__:main:242 - Setting timezone to UTC

    For debugging purposes a FastAPI submodule has been implemented in the MQTT module. You may find the FastAPI Swagger docs under these links:

https://RPI_IP_ADDRESS:5000/docs#/ https://RPI_IP_ADDRESS:5000/redoc https://RPI_IP_ADDRESS:5000/openapi.json


Every time you need to create a new release, you should execute the following commands and a new will be created:


./ patch

then a new release will be created (from Github actions) in the releases section assets with the same version number.


We welcome contributions! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Make your changes and commit them
  4. Submit a pull request


This project is licensed under the [Your License] - see the file for details.


Build Status

Python Build codecov


For questions or feedback, please contact Marios Karagiannopoulos at [].

UML diagrams

Mobile ->> RaspberryPi: ConnectBLE()
Note left of Mobile: Mobile app is trying<br/>to connect to bluetooth<br/>Characteristics
RaspberryPi-->> Mobile: ConnectedToBLE
Mobile ->> RaspberryPi: DiscoverWifiNetworks()
Note left of Mobile: Mobile app requests<br/>the list of wifi networks<br/>that RPi scans
RaspberryPi-->> Mobile: WifiNetworks[]
Note right of RaspberryPi: RPi responds with the<br/>the list of wifi networks
Note left of Mobile: User selects the Wifi<br/>network from the<br/>the list of wifi networks
Mobile ->> RaspberryPi: ConnectWifi(SSID, Password)
RaspberryPi-->> Mobile: ConnectedToWifi

When RPi connects to the Internet it connects right away to the broker defined in

graph LR
A[RaspberryPi] -- MQTT --> B{MQTT Broker}
C[MobileApp] -- MQTT --> B