garmin / LIDARLite_Arduino_Library

High-performance optical distance sensing.
Apache License 2.0
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LIDAR-Lite Arduino Library

This library provides quick access to basic functions of LIDAR-Lite via the Arduino interface. Additionally, it can provide a user of any platform with a template for their own application code.

For detailed specifications, pinout, and connection diagrams, see the manuals linked at the above product pages.

A Note on Compatibility: Minor interface changes have occurred between LIDAR-Lite v3, v3HP, and previous versions. Backwards-compatibility of this library is largely preserved, though support is not directly provided for v1 and v2.

Installation instructions

To install, download this repository and place in your Arduino libraries folder or use the Arduino Library Manager. If you need help, follow the instructions here:

Example Sketches


This is the simplest demonstration of LIDAR-Lite. It shows how to read a distance using the PWM interface.


This demonstration shows how to read distance using the I2C interface and choose preset configurations.


This example shows a method to run LIDAR-Lite at high speed for short range applications. It combines a variety of settings to trade off range and accuracy for very fast measurements.


This example shows various methods to run LIDAR-Lite v3HP.


Use the MODE pin to monitor STATUS of the LIDAR-Lite v3HP.


Use PWM output to read distances from LIDAR-Lite v3HP.


Various operation examples for LIDAR-Lite v4 LED.


High rep rate example using the optional GPIO pins or I2C port to trigger measurements.


Take single distance measurements using the I2C port in a lower power state.

Version History

Raspberry Pi Library for LIDAR-Lite v3

ANT Library for LIDAR-Lite v4 LED


Copyright (c) 2018 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for further details.