garyd203 / flying-circus

A tool for describing AWS infrastructure as (Python) code, built on top of AWS Cloud Formation.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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aws-stacks cloudformation dsl flying-circus hacktoberfest infrastructure-as-code python yaml

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Flying Circus is a tool for describing AWS infrastructure as code (using Python). It uses the same data structures as the AWS Cloud Formation service, except described as Python objects instead of the usual YAML. The Python program generates a YAML template, which is passed across to Cloud Formation in the usual manner.

It is a bit unusual to use a full programming language to describe infrastructure, instead of a static configuration file like many of us are used to (whether or not we also utilise a templating tool). We hope that the Flying Circus library can empower DevOps folk by unlocking some of the techniques that are available for software code, like named variables and techniques to structure code independently of the output format, libraries to allow code re-use with versioning, automated refactoring tools and so on.

You can learn how to use Flying Circus yourself by reading the documentation


Install Flying Circus through the Python packaging system:

pip install flying-circus

Many people also use the Amazon Web Services command line tools to deploy their CloudFormation stacks. If you want this, a good way to install an up-to-date version is also with pip:

# Optional
pip install awscli


Here is a simple example of how you can use Flying Circus to describe some EC2 instances and deploy them using the AWS CloudFormation service.

First, create a python script (called in this case) to describe your infrastructure. Any valid Python can be used to create the Flying Circus objects, along with any valid CloudFormation properties and attributes.

This example is intentionally simplistic - it just creates two EC2 instances with varying configuration, and outputs the internal IP for one. However, it does hint at some of the more complex and powerful usage patterns.

import os

from flyingcircus.core import Stack, Output
from flyingcircus.intrinsic_function import GetAtt
from flyingcircus.service.ec2 import *

def create_ec2_instance(name, instance_type="t2.micro"):
    instance = Instance(Properties=InstanceProperties(
    )) = name
    return instance

if __name__ == "__main__":
    stack = Stack()

    stack.Resources["WebServer"] = create_ec2_instance("webserver")
    stack.Resources["DatabaseServer"] = dbserver = create_ec2_instance("dbserver", "t2.medium")
    dbserver.DeletionPolicy = "Retain"

    stack.Outputs["DatabaseServerIp"] = Output(
        Description=f"Internal IP address for the database server",
        Value=GetAtt(dbserver, "PrivateIp"),

    stack.tag(application="api-service", environment="test", owner=os.environ.get("USER"))


Now generate CloudFormation YAML from your Python script. Note that the result will always be valid well-formatted YAML, and internal checks mean that it is also difficult to generate invalid CloudFormation.

Finally, use the AWS command line tools to create/update a stack and it's associated resources.

python > my_ec2_stack.yaml
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name demo-flying-circus-ec2 --template-file my_ec2_stack.yaml

You could do these steps in your Continuous Integration server ;-)

Is/Is Not

There's a lot of tools for managing Infrastructure as Code, often with subtle differences and passionate advocates. A quick discussion of our scope may help you understand where Flying Circus fits into this ecosystem, and whether it can help you. This is presented in the simple "Is/Is Not" format.

Flying Circus Is...

Flying Circus Is Not...

Sounds Great, Can I Use It?

Sure, of course you can. The documentation will get you started.

Flying Circus is currently in Beta. This means it is expected to work, and is in use by real customers. However, there is a possibility that the details of the interface may change in an incompatible way.

How Do I Help?

Just use it!