gaspa93 / googlemaps-scraper

Google Maps reviews scraping
GNU General Public License v3.0
358 stars 131 forks source link

scrape most relevant reviews #13

Closed quaesito closed 3 years ago

quaesito commented 3 years ago

Hi Mattia,

Thansk for sharing your script, it works flawlessly!

I am now trying to re-adapt it to scrape 'most relevant reviews' rather than 'newest' ones. However, if I change line 66 in to pick the 'first element' rather than the 'second element', the __scroll function will not go through.

I was wondering whether you faced this difficulty before.

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Michele

gaspa93 commented 3 years ago

Hi @quaesito ,

thank you! Sorry for the late response, but I have checked your PR and I see that you figured it out pretty well. Thank you very much for your support, and if you have other ideas for improvements we can get in touch.

quaesito commented 3 years ago

Hi @gaspa93,

No worries. The code works fine now for all --sort_by options except 'most_relevant'. In such case, the __sort function is failing.

gaspa93 commented 3 years ago


ok, I will check why the function fails in that specific case only. I reopen the issue and I will work as soon as possible.

quaesito commented 3 years ago

Thanks @gaspa93