gaspa93 / googlemaps-scraper

Google Maps reviews scraping
GNU General Public License v3.0
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google-maps google-maps-scraping python reviews scraper

Google Maps Scraper

Scraper of Google Maps reviews. The code allows to extract the most recent reviews starting from the url of a specific Point Of Interest (POI) in Google Maps. An additional extension helps to monitor and incrementally store the reviews in a MongoDB instance.


Follow these steps to use the scraper:

Note: Python >= 3.9 is required.

Basic Usage

The script needs two main parameters as input:


python --N 50

generates a csv file containing last 50 reviews of places present in urls.txt

In current implementation, the CSV file is handled as an external function, so if you want to change path and/or name of output file, you need to modify that function.

Additionally, other parameters can be provided:

For a basic description of logic and approach about this software development, have a look at the Medium post

Monitoring functionality

The script can be used to have an incremental scraper and override the limitation about the number of reviews that can be retrieved. The only additional requirement is to install MongoDB on your laptop: you can find a detailed guide on the official site

The script takes two input:

The main idea is to periodically run the script to obtain latest reviews: the scraper stores them in MongoDB up to get either the latest review of previous run or the day indicated in the input parameter.

Take a look to this Medium post to have more details about the idea behind this feature.


Url must be provided as expected, you can check the example file urls.txt to have an idea of what is a correct url. If you want to generate the correct url:

  1. Go to Google Maps and look for a specific place;
  2. Click on the number of reviews in the parenthesis;
  3. Save the url that is generated from previous interaction.