A command line interface (CLI) for ytcog, the YouTube innertube class library for node-js.
From the command line you can:
Each command line request represents a completed session. If you need the added efficiency of a maintained session, you can use the ytcog innertube library directly.
> ytcog-dl [action] [id id id ...] [options]
--download -d download one or more specified video(s), or batch download videos from channel, playlist or search results. (default)
--help -h output useage/actions/options to console
--info -i fetch video/channel/playlist information - written to "_info.json" and "_raw_info.json" files.
(raw: as supplied by youtube)
--result -r fetch search/channel/playlist results - written to "_results.json" and "_raw_results.json" files.
(raw: as supplied by youtube)
--streamInfo -s output stream summary of video(id) to the console (assists stream selection)
--cookie -c string - provide a logged-in YouTube cookie string - default: ''
--proxy -x string - provide a proxy agent Uri - i.e ""
--save -S all|info|raw|none - retrieved data save options
* all - save ytcog and raw yt generated json files
* info - save ytcog generated json files only
* raw - save raw yt generated json files only
* none - save nothing
--saveFilename -sf string - supply a filename without path or extension - you use any video/search/channel/playlist
properties as templates in the string. For example:
${author} ${date} ${datetime} ${id} ${timestamp} ${title} etc...
Each request type has an appropriate default.
--savePath -sp string - data save path - defaults to '.' the current directory
--userAgent -u string - user agent string - default: one is chosen for you
See the ytcog wiki for lists of video/search/channel/playlist properties.
> ytcog-dl --download id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl -d id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either an 11 character YouTube video id or a video watch url.
(object) any of the video download options
> ytcog-dl --info id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl -i id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either an 11 character YouTube video id or a video watch url.
(object) any of the video information options
Prints a concise list of available streams for a video to the console. The order is determined by an algorithm based on your preferences.
> ytcog-dl --streamInfo id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl -s id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either an 11 character YouTube video id or a video watch url.
(object) any of the video stream summary options
See Video examples
Collects channel metadata and properties and saves the data.
> ytcog-dl --info id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl -i id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either a 24 character YouTube channel id (commencing 'UC') or a channel url.
(object) any of the channel information options
Collects detailed lists of videos, playlists, and related channels and allows you to search a channel.
> ytcog-dl --result id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl --r id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either a 24 character YouTube channel id (commencing 'UC') or a channel url.
(object) any of the channel result options
Batch download videos from a channel.
> ytcog-dl --download id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl -d id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either a 24 character YouTube channel id (commencing 'UC') or a channel url.
(object) any of the channel download options
See Channel examples
Collects metadta and properties of a playlist.
> ytcog-dl --info id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl -i id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either a 34 character YouTube channel id (commencing 'PL') or a playlist url.
(object) any of the playlist information options
Collects video results from a playlist.
> ytcog-dl --result id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl -r id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either a 34 character YouTube channel id (commencing 'PL') or a playlist url.
(object) any of the playlist result options
Batch download videos from a playlist.
> ytcog-dl --download id [id id ... ][options]
> ytcog-dl -d id [id id ... ][options]
(string) is either an 34 character YouTube channel id (commencing 'PL') or a playlist url.
(object) any of the playlist download options
> ytcod-dl --result [options]
> ytcod-dl -r [options]
(object) any of the search result options
> ytcod-dl --download [options]
> ytcod-dl -d [options]
(object) any of the search download options
See Search examples
> npm install -g ytcog-dl