gautamvij / animetracker

Its a web application that helps user to keep track of animes watched, not watched with other bunch of features
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Its a web application that helps user to search, browse and add animes in library

Tech (MEAN Stack)

Getting Started

You need git to clone the animetracker repository. You can get git from


For Linux follow this tutorial

You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from

Clone animetracker

Clone the animetracker repository using [git][git]:

git clone
cd animetracker

Install Dependencies

We get the tools we depend upon via npm .

    npm install 
    npm install -global gulp

Run the Application

Edit the config.json and token.json in server folder

npm start

Your server is up and running !

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8000.