A powerful and efficient library to interact with Facebook's Messenger, using just your email and password. This is a porting from the excellent fbchat library to C#.
This is not an official API, Facebook has that over here for chat bots. This library differs by using a normal Facebook account instead.
fbchat-sharp currently support:
Essentially, everything you need to make an amazing Facebook bot!
v2 is currently being developed at the master branch and it's highly unstable. If you want to view the old v1, go here`.
$ Install-Package Gave.Libs.Fbchat
The simple example will login to messenger and get the last 20 messages from a user friend.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using fbchat_sharp.API;
// The methods allow to load and save an active session to avoid logging in every time and to provide the 2FA code if requested
// In this example the methods do nothing
public class FBClient : MessengerClient
public FBClient()
On2FACodeCallback = get2FACode;
private async Task<string> get2FACode()
// You need to implement this if your account uses two factor authentication.
// It should return a valid 2FA code as string.
return null;
// This method is called when the client receives an event from Facebook:
// A new message/reaction was received
// A picture was posted in a thread
// A friend connected
// A friend request was received
// ...
protected override async Task OnEvent(FB_Event ev)
switch (ev)
case FB_MessageEvent t1:
// You got a new message!
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Got new message from {0}: {1}", t1.author, t1.message));
// Something else happened
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Something happened: {0}", ev.ToString()));
await Task.Yield();
/// <summary>
/// How to delete saved cookies from disk. Called when logging out.
/// </summary>
protected override async Task DeleteCookiesAsync()
// You should always implement this. Facebook complains if you login too often.
/// <summary>
/// How to load a list of saved cookies
/// </summary>
protected override async Task<Dictionary<string, List<Cookie>>> ReadCookiesFromDiskAsync()
// You should always implement this. Facebook complains if you login too often.
return null;
/// <summary>
/// How to save a list of cookies to disk
/// </summary>
protected override async Task WriteCookiesToDiskAsync(Dictionary<string, List<Cookie>> cookieJar)
// You should always implement this. Facebook complains if you login too often.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using fbchat_sharp.API;
// Instantiate FBClient
FBClient client = new FBClient();
// Login with username and password
var session = await client.DoLogin(email, password);
// Check login was successful
if (session != null)
// Send a message to myself
var user = new FB_Thread(session.user.uid, session);
var msg_uid = await user.sendText("Hi me!");
if (msg_uid != null)
Console.WriteLine("Message sent: {0}", msg_uid);
// Logging out is not recommended. Facebook complains if you login too often.
// Instead always implement WriteCookiesToDiskAsync() and ReadCookiesFromDiskAsync() client methods.
// await client.DoLogout();
Console.WriteLine("Error logging in");
// Get user's last 10 threads
List<FB_Thread> threads = await client.fetchThreadList(limit: 10);
// Get user's last 20 messages in a thread
List<FB_Message> messages = await threads.FirstOrDefault()?.fetchMessages(20);
fbchat-sharp has been created as a PCL targeting .NET Standard 1.3 that supports a wide range of platforms. The list includes but is not limited to:
© Copyright 2017 by Marco Gavelli