gavr-games / lords

Turn-based browser strategy game
4 stars 1 forks source link

The Lords

It is a browser turn-based strategy game for 2-4 players available at Below is the developer's guide to set up development environment.

Getting Started

The general idea is to have a set of containers with Lords services installed and working inside of it. Any developer will be able to quickly bring it up and test/develop. We use Docker and Docker Compose to spin up our development environment. You can install Docker here You will also need to install Docker Compose

Pre Requirements

Next steps

Once you have all of those installed you should:

Everyday Usage

You can change web to any container name, see docker-compose.yml. Each container syncs required folders in both directions (see docker-compose.yml -> volumes sections).

Connecting to the database

To connect to the database running inside the docker container use TCP/IP connection localhost:3306 user:root, password:root (password specified in .env)


Validate deployed services: