gayanhewa / vscode-find-all-references

Visual Studio Code Extension to Find All References in a Project
MIT License
16 stars 4 forks source link

Find All References README

This module enables Visual Studio code to run Find All References calls with the power of ripgrep which is a soltion written in rust and performs well than Silver Searcher, Platinum searcher etc


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Powered by Ripgrep

This module on ripgrep package. Instructions to install ripgrep can be found here

You can install ripgrep using homebrew, Windows Chocolatey or Cargo if you are a rust developer. You also find the binaries to install on Linux, Windows and Mac on the github repo.

$ brew install ripgrep

$ choco install ripgrep

$ cargo install ripgrep

Powered by Silver Searcher

You can also use Silver searcher as an alternative to ripgrep. Simply install it and update the config

$ brew install ag

Extension Settings

Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.

For example:

This extension contributes the following settings:

Use ripgrep

find.all.references.engine: 'rg'

Use silver searcher

find.all.references.engine: 'ag'

Known Issues

No testing has been carried out on Windows, PR's wellcome.
