gaylordjohnson / exp-traq

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Cheat sheet for me:

1. Reminder on how to use git with github

To download project from GitHub to local computer to make your changes to the project:

Go to public repository on GitHub, click Code on top-right, select HTTPS, copy the url
cd Documents/code
git clone // the URL you got above

The following is explained here: Note: The email below is how Github associates the commits to my account in a way that does not expose my actual email address

git config --global "Gaylord Johnson" 
git config --global

Also try:

git config --list
git config --global --list


git log // To see information about the commits, including the authors etc.
git diff // to see diff between latest code (unstaged) and staged code
git diff origin master // if I understand correctly, diffs between local staging and what's on GitHub

Making and committing code changes

<make some changes in the code>
git status
git add * // Adds changes you made to the "staging" thing
git commit -m "this is a commit message explaining what's in this commit"
// Alternatively use the following shortcut for git add and git commit:
git acm "this is a commit message blah blah"

The command below will make it so that git push (see next) will only ask your GitHub credentials once

git config --global credential.helper store

Push changes back to the repository on GitHub:

git push // Will ask for GitHub credentials 

2. SPECIAL NOTE on using datastore INDEXES in Google App Engine / Google Cloud (because it was pain in the butt to figure out...)

If your code is doing some new kind of querying, it may be required to create a new index. For example, for this feature ( I created a "filter" query by Payee. When I ran the code on my local dev setup, everything ran fine. But when I deployed my stuff to GCloud (gcloud app deploy - see next section) and attempted to run my code, I got a 500 with a stack trace, at the end of which was:

The suggested index for this query is:
- kind: Entry
  ancestor: yes
  - name: payee
  - name: datetime
    direction: desc
  - name: timestamp
    direction: desc

I added this to index.yaml and redeployed, yet still got the same 500 error. So I dug around and found that I need to run the following command in my local terminal:

gcloud datastore indexes create index.yaml

...which initiates GCloud to create the index. I quickly tried to run my app again and got anotheer 500, this time ending in:

NeedIndexError: The index for this query is not ready to serve. See the Datastore Indexes page in the Admin Console.
The suggested index for this query is:
- kind: Entry
  ancestor: yes
  - name: payee
  - name: datetime
    direction: desc
  - name: timestamp
    direction: desc

It sounded like GCloud was still working on creating the index. Yes, I confirmed it by going to This new index had a spinner spinning, indicating that indexing was still in progress. I waited for the spinner to finish, ran my app again, and this time everything worked.

3. Where is my app's data in GCloud?


4. Using Google Cloud CLI

Install Google Cloud CLI on Mac

download tar.gz for 64-bit M1 processor from
doubleclick it in Finder to extract it
move the resulting google-cloud-sdk folder to home folder /users/<MyUsername>
in terminal, cd into google-cloud-sdk
./ // will add CLI to PATH etc. Follow prompts - super easy.
Then close terminal window and open a new one for the above changes to take effect. 
gcloud // lists all gcloud commands

Authenticate into Google Cloud and configure default project:

$ gcloud init 

...follow prompts (e.g. which login you want to use, which project to apply commands to, etc.). Super easy!

Cheat sheet of all gcloud commands:

$ gcloud cheat-sheet

View current environment details:

$ gcloud info

Run project locally:

cd <my project folder>
// On my new Mac couldn't be bothered to figure out how to add the above to PATH, so will run using full path instead:
// $ ./
$ /Users/gaylord/google-cloud-sdk/bin/ ./
// NOTE: needs whatever version of python your project will be in as 'python', but it also needs python 2.7.12+ to be present on the machine as 'python2'. So I had to simlink one of my python 3 installations as 'python' and had to download and install python 2.7.12, which came out of the box as 'python2'. Then dev server finally worked.

Note: has a bunch of useful options, e.g. can browse datastore in browser - google it

Deploy project to Google Cloud:

$ gcloud app deploy // NOTE: this command creates a rolling list of versions, then eventually you hit a limit of 15 and need to delete some older versions. To overwrite a version insteadd, do
$ gcloud app deploy -v v1 //which will update the exsisting v1 version (which is the one serving)

On first deploy attempt on my 2021 mac, got error:

File upload done.
Updating service [default]...failed.                                                                                                                         
ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Cloud build b947a5c4-7f41-4620-8e67-18af250d4be4 status: FAILURE
Build error details: Access to bucket denied. You must grant Storage Object Viewer permission to <gaylord redacted>

Granded the "Storage Object Viewer" role (not permission) to the email above, in IAM, and it was able to deploy.

Add'l helpful commands:

$ gcloud app versions list
$ gcloud app versions delete [list of versions]

If creating new indexes, should update index.yaml file andd run

$ gcloud datastore indexes create index.yaml

To check status of index creation, see

To get rid of unused indexes, run

$ gcloud datastore indexes cleanup index.yaml



