Stoker-web is a web application that allows the Stoker power draft system to be viewed and controlled from an external browser, this can be on the local network, wireless device or if properly setup from anywhere on the Internet. Stoker-web offers additional functionality over the Stokers own internal browser, these features include: temperature graphs, logging, PDF cook reports, email alerts, local weather information, added Security and more. Stoker-web is written Java so the server will run on most platforms that Java runs on. It has been tested on Windows and Linux. See Browser section below for client compatibility.
Status Update: Android client now available:
Status Update: Beta 0.4.1 Released! 4/12/2013
Runnable Jar file version v1.0_0.4.1 also released
Status Update: Beta 0.4.0 Released! 12/10/2012
Status Update: Beta 0.3.0 Released! 9/10/2012
Status Update: Beta 0.2.1 Released! 3/08/2012
Status Update: Beta 0.2 Released! 2/10/2012
Status Update: Beta 0.1 Released! 1/22/2012
Please see Releases notes for details.
Native android app will have two connection modes: stoker direct and stoker-web
Stoker-web has been seen to work on the following Hardware / Browsers:
Not working:
Stokerweb is now released as either an easy to setup and run Java jar file or a classic war file. See the sections below.
The runStokerweb.jar file can be executed from the command line of your favorite operating system. This one file has the stoker-web.war file and a Jetty server embedded within it. Running the jar file will first extract the necessary files allowing them to be edited for your specific machine and then run again to start stokerweb.
You must be using a version of Java 7 to use the jar file. Execute the jar file with this command:
java -jar runStokerweb.jar
A few files will be extracted. The files ending in .properties need to be edited.
Run the same command again to launch stokerweb.
java -jar runStokerweb.jar
Stoker-web is released as a .war file. This file should be deployed within the web application server of your choosing, Stoker-web has been tested with both Tomcat and Jetty. In addition to the deployed .war file, there is also a separate directory where the Stoker-web configuration and log files exist. This directory should be in a secure location and NOT be publicly accessible. This directory is accessed by the environment variable STOKERWEB_DIR.
Installation and configuration steps:
# commands for *nix systems
cd /opt
mkdir StokerWebDir
chown nobody:nogroup StokerWebDir
export STOKERWEB_DIR=/opt/StokerWebDir
cd StokerWebDir
1. Edit the file, change the IP, email and weather settings
stoker_ip= mail.password=password mail.smtp.user=email.user mail.smtp.port=465
1. Run the addUser.jar to create a login/password for Stoker-web
export STOKERWEB_DIR=/location/of/StokerWebDir java -jar addUser.jar
1. Deploy the war file within your web application. [Deploy Stoker-web on Windows](
1. Start the web application server
## Compiling Stoker-web ##
It is recommended that you use the available releases from the download section, but if you'd like to try to compile it yourself, these are the basic steps.
[Compiling Stoker-web](