This Unity Game Engine API asset has been created for using xAPI in products built with Unity. It is primarily designed for games, simulations and applications that include learning content but can also be used for learning products to capture data and analytics using xAPI. It was developed to support an initiative to create an xAPI profile for the K-12 community. The primary developer and contributor (Dig-iT! Games) uses it to capture analytics during testing and production in learning and casual entertainment games. The Beta API was developed by Dig-iT! Games through support from the National Science Foundation and Dig-iT! Games for the community. The beta version has been updated to release 1.1(March 2021)
Hundreds of users downloaded the beta version. Input from the community allowed it to be improved to version 1.1 for a the first formal release. DiG-iT! Games is currently using this with Unity versions 5.6.7 and 2018.4.32. The new version includes a builder function to streamline implmentation.
Documenation is provided in the repo wiki
We welcome input and contributions from Unity developers.
You can read more about the new xAPI profile for collecting K-12 learning games and apps at the community website ( The profile was published as an official xAPI profile ( The vocabulary was developed around US standards (Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards, C3 Framework) but have worldwide applicability.