gboncoffee / egg

Emulador Genérico do Gabriel
MIT License
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EGG, a generic processor emulator

Video tutorial

Documentation for RISC-V

Documentation for MIPS

Documentation for Sagui

Contributing, bugs, feature requests

EGG stands for "Emulador Genérico do Gabriel" ("Gabriel's Generic Emulator", in portuguese). It's a modular emulator for processor architetures, made for educational purpouses.

The egg package itself provides only an interface for interacting with machines, thus supporting different architeture backends. Currently, there are RISC-V IM 32 bits and a MIPS32 (experimental) backends implemented.

egg/assembler also provides a small library for creating assemblers, and the support for EGG's debugger.

UFPR students

Have any questions, or want some help? Mail me: Or find me at the campus and the laboratories!


Simply grab the static binary for your OS at the releases page. Or, if you have the Go compiler, build the project from source.

Note: the Windows binary is untested, as I don't have access to any Windows machine nowadays.


Running the emulator with an Assembly file will assemble it and start a machine to run it on. By default, the machine is a RISC-V IM 32 bits. Use the flag -a or -arch to change the architeture. Run egg -h to see all command line options and egg -l to see all supported architetures.

The Assembly syntax is architeture-dependent. Though, a library is provided for creating assembler, so backends may use the same overall syntax (both RISC-V and MIPS uses it).

An example follows:

; Semicolon makes a comment til the end of line.

; A label is defined with :.
    ; Instruction arguments starts with destination.
    addi t0, zero, 2

    ; You may also put instructions after the labels.
label2: add t0, t0, t0

    ; There's no parenthesis as in RARS, store uses common immediates.
    sb t0, ra, 3

    ; Hex, octal and binary immediates are supported.
    addi t1, zero, 0xff
    addi t1, zero, 0b010110
    addi t1, zero, 0o644
    addi t1, zero, 0755 ; A leading 0 also defines an octal.

; A # defines a literal til the end of the line.
; Literals are inserted unchanged to the binary (as 'db' in other assemblers).
; If a % is followed by two hex digits, the hex value is inserted instead. Use
; %% to escape it.
#Hello, World!%0a

Each architeture folder has test Assembly files you may use as examples.


Standard calls handled by the emulator are as follows. Refer to the architeture documentation on how to perform them:


The debugger interface is kinda similar to gdb, though much smaller. Use the -d flag to enter debugger uppon startup. There's no need of run command, as there's no process. The next or the continue commands may be used to start running the program normally. Use help to see all available commands.