gbozee / pypaystack

A django reusable app for integrating Paystack into your application
MIT License
51 stars 39 forks source link


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This is a reusable python library that makes it very easy to hook up [Paystack]() purchase button to your site/app. Framework specific integration e.g [Django]() and [Starlette]() are provided by default. The library also helps with verification of transactions and is highly configurable.


  1. Install pypaystack
    pip install -e git+

Django Specific Setup

  1. Add paystack to your settings module


3. Add `url(r'^paystack/', include('paystack.urls',namespace='paystack'))` to your base `` file

urlpatterns = [ ..., url(r'^paystack/', include('paystack.urls',namespace='paystack')), ]

  **NB**: for django 2.0 and above, your `` would look like this

from django.url import path, include urlpatterns = [ ..., path("paystack", include(('paystack.urls','paystack'),namespace='paystack')), ]

4. Login to [Paystack settings Dashboard]( and fetch your `PUBLIC_KEY` and `SECRET_KEY`. paste these keys in your ``


![alt text](./docs/key.png)

5. In the html where you want to insert the payment button

{% load paystack %} ... {% paystack_button amount=3000 email="" %}

6. A `signal` is provided with the verified  reference as well as the amount

from paystack.signals import payment_verified

from django.dispatch import receiver

@receiver(payment_verified) def on_payment_verified(sender, ref,amount, **kwargs): """ ref: paystack reference sent back. amount: amount in Naira. """ pass

### Starlette Specific setup

### Configurations





`PAYSTACK_FAILED_URL` # Redirect url when payment fails, default is `paystack:failed_url`

`PAYSTACK_SUCCESS_URL` # Redirect url when payment is successful, default is `paystack:success_url`

`PAYSTACK_LIB_MODULE` # module directory to overide default implemenation of library that calls paystack api, default is `paystack.utils`

### Template Tag Usage

the template tag `paystack_button` takes the following argument

`button_class`: css class to style the button

`button_id`: id name for the button: default is "django-paystack-button"

`email`: a required field representing the email

`amount`: a required the amount to be paid in Naira. `

`ref`: an optional field representing the reference of the transaction`

`redirect_url`: an optional field representing the redirect url after payment has been made, defaults to `paystack:verify_payment`

**NB**: *If you prefer using css to style html tags, the id of the button is *

**To view the sample test project, do the following**

$ git clone $ git checkout develop $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ pip install -e .

**NB:** If you use [pipenv](), do the following

$ pipenv install

To run the project

$ cd django_paystack $ python runserver

![alt text](./docs/home_page.PNG)

![alt text](./docs/page2.PNG)

![alt text](./docs/page3.PNG)

## Extending
The default templates used can be extended to include your custom content.

1. Create a `paystack` directory in your `templates` folder.

The templates used are as follows.

paystack/failed-page.html paystack/success-page.html

## Webhook.
In order to listen and respond to events that happen from the paystack dashboard on your site, you are required as a developer to provide a publicly available url as a webhook.

This library provides the webhook url and exposes a signal for you to listen to and respond to any event sent by paystack

from paystack.signals import event_signal from django.dispatch import receiver

@reciever(event_signal) def on_event_received(sender, event, data):

sender is the raw request

event is the event name that was passed

data is the available data tied to the event


You would need to register the following url

whatever your `<domain_name> ` is, you would need to set it to `PAYSTACK_WEBHOOK_DOMAIN` in your ``

for example, assuming you are using ngrok during development, in your `` add the following config

and your webhook url that you would paste at paystack dashboard would be