gcc42 / hooli

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A distributed search engine


git clone https://github.com/forumulator/hooli


  1. Python3
  2. BeautifulSoup4
  3. HappyBase
  4. A Running Hbase Thrift server on port 9001
  5. Pyro4
  6. Flask

Run the crawler

$ cd hooli/Crawler
$ python4 setup_tables.py
$ python3 indexmgr.py

Now copy the URI that is echoed onto the screen

$ python3 testCrawler.py

Enter the number of Pages and the URI above

Run the indexer

$ cd hooli/Crawler
$ python3 indexer.py

Run the search server

$ cd hooli
$ python3 hello.py

That's it, the server is running. Now you can go to the browser and search on localhost:5000.

Brief code overview

src/spider_controller: The controller for the spiders src/crawler.py: The actual crawler src/indexer.py: The indexer class src/hbase_util.py: Functions to implement the HBase Schema src/indexmgr.py: The index Manager, handles the distributed indexing src/querying.py: Handler the srach and ranking hello.py: Flask code for the server