gcentauri / tuvix

A Matrix client in Erlang
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

A bot for Matrix written in Erlang


** Running with rebar3

assuming you have [[https://www.rebar3.org/][rebar3]] installed and configured to use [[https://hex.pm/docs/rebar3_usage][Hex.pm]], you may want to:


rebar3 update rebar3 compile


before starting. it should install the =jsone= dependency. now that the tuvix app is setup properly, it seems like the following shell command will compile tuvix as well.


rebar3 shell 1> Pid = tuvix:start("https://matrix.foo.bar", "userid", "pwd").


This will spawn a process that logs in and begins polling for events in the Matrix bot dev chat room