gchq / stroom-stats

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aggregation dropwizard hbase kafka kafka-streams zookeeper

Stroom Stats

Build Status

Stroom-Stats is currently work in progress and not in a usable state. More details will be provided when it is in a working state.


#runs all unit and integration tests - requires docker containers to be running (see below)
./gradlew clean build shadowJar

#runs only unit tests, no docker containers required
./gradlew clean build -x integrationTest

#Run a full build producing fat jars with a specified version number
./gradlew -Pversion=v1.2.3 clean build -x test -x integrationTest shadowJar


The run task in build.gradle looks for config_dev.yml. Requires dockers containers to be running (see below)

Health checks

The DropWizard health checks can be viewed at http://localhost:8087/healthcheck?pretty=true where 8087 is the admin port.

The health checks include all property values held in Zookeeper, states of all the statistic event processors and aggregators.

Changing the logging level

The logging level can be changed at runtime by executing something similar to this (assuming you have HTTPie installed)

http -f POST http://localhost:8087/tasks/log-level logger=stroom.stats.StatisticsStore level=DEBUG

Where 8087 is the admin port.

Active logging levels can be viewed on the health check page http://localhost:8087/healthcheck (where 8087 is the admin port) under the stroom.stats.logging.LogLevelInspector section.

Stopping and starting processing

The processing of statistic events can be stopped and started via an admin task. By default all processing starts on application startup. To stop processing:

http -f POST http://localhost:8087/tasks/stopProcessing

To start processing:

http -f POST http://localhost:8087/tasks/startProcessing

(Where 8087 is the admin port)

Required Docker containers

To run integration tests or to run stroom-stats you will need docker containers for stroom, mysql (x2), zookeeper, hbase and kafka.

These can be started in another shell as follows:

cd ..
git clone https://github.com/gchq/stroom-resources.git
cd stroom-resources/bin
./bouncceIt.sh hbase-kafka-mysql-stroom-zk.yml


Stroom-Stats is licensed under LGPL-v3, however the stroom-stats-schema module and associated published library is entirely auto-generated from an XML Schema hosted by stroom-content. This XML Schema and the stroom-stats-schema library are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.