gchux / cloud-run-ssh

SSH server ready to be deployed into Cloud Run
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Cloud Run SSH server



During development and while troubleshooting issues, it is often very useful to test some preconditions in the same execution environment as the microservice while having more maneuverability.

The Cloud Run SSH server aims to provide full linux shell running in a Cloud Run service instance to allow developers and administrators to test and troubleshoot all kinds of scenarios.

Building Blocks:

Image flavors

By contents

[!TIP] choose lite if all you need to do is network troubleshooting; build-time and size will be reduced.

By access level

[!TIP] choose no-root if you are providing this image to others so that installing new software is disabled.

Building the image

Configure environment

export CONTENT_FLAVOR='...'        # `lite` or `full` depending on the required tooling
export ACCESS_LEVEL='...'          # `root` or `no-root` depending on the required access level

export CREATE_KEY_PAIR='false'     # when using `docker_build`, whether to create a new KEY pair
export PASSWORD_ACCESS='true'      # allows to disable password authentication if KEY based auth is preferred
export SUDO_ACCESS='false'         # `true`/`false` depending on access level selection

export CLOUDSDK_VERSION='...'      # see: https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/cloud-sdk-release
export GCSFUSE_VERSION='...'       # see: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcsfuse/releases
export CSQL_PROXY_VERSION='...'    # see: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sql-proxy/releases
export ALLOYDB_PROXY_VERSION='...' # see: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/alloydb-auth-proxy/releases

export USQL_VERSION='...'          # see: https://github.com/xo/usql/releases

export SSH_USER='user'             # whatever user you want to use to login into the SSH server
export SSH_PASS='pass'             # whatever password you want to use to login into the SSH server

export WEB_PORT=8080               # whatever TCP port you want to use to server the WEB SSH server

export IMAGE_NAME='cloud-run-ssh'  # or whatever name you need/require to use for the Docker image

export DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile.${IMAGE_TAG}"

export PROJECT_ID='...'            # GCP Project ID ( this is an alphanumeric name, not a number )
export REPO_LOCATION='...'         # Artifact Registry docker repository location
export REPO_NAME='...'             # Artifact Registry docker repository name

export IMAGE_URI_BASE="${REPO_LOCATION}-docker.pkg.dev/${PROJECT_ID}/${REPO_NAME}"

export BUILD_TAG='...'             # whatever tag you may/need to use

or create a copy of env.sample named .env, edit it with your desired values, and source it:

cp -v env.sample .env
# edit `.env` to contain your desired values
source $(pwd)/.env

[!NOTE] creating a copy of env.sample with your custom configuration is the better approach as you can expand this pattern to multiple env files in order to create various builds.

Using Docker

Populate the variables and run the command:


alternatively, you may run the docker command directly:

# update versions of dependencies
docker buildx build \
  --no-cache --push \
  --platform=linux/amd64 \
  --file=$(pwd)/${DOCKERFILE} \
  --tag="${IMAGE_URI_FULL}" \
  --build-arg="SSH_USER=${SSH_USER}" \
  --build-arg="SSH_PASS=${SSH_PASS}" \
  --build-arg="WEB_PORT=${WEB_PORT}" \
  --build-arg="SUDO_ACCESS=${SUDO_ACCESS}" \
  --build-arg="USQL_VERSION=${USQL_VERSION}" \

[!NOTE] see: https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/docker/authentication

Using Cloud Build

Adjust environment variables as per your requirements:

gcloud builds submit --config $(pwd)/cloudbuild.yaml \

Using pre-built images

docker pull ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:latest
docker tag ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:latest ${IMAGE_URI_FULL}
docker push ${IMAGE_URI_FULL}

[!NOTE] Docker image tag latest points to CONTENT_FLAVOR=lite and ACCESS_LEVEL=no-root

Deploying the image to Cloud Run

export SERVICE_NAME='...'
export SERVICE_REGION='...'

gcloud run deploy ${SERVICE_NAME} \
   --image=${IMAGE_URI_FULL} \
   --region=${SERVICE_REGION} \
   --port=8080 --execution-environment=gen2 \
   --min-instances=0 --max-instances=1 \
   --memory=2Gi --cpu=2 --cpu-boost \
   --timeout=3600s --no-use-http2 \
   --session-affinity --no-cpu-throttling \

[!CAUTION] it is strongly recommended to use --no-allow-unauthenticated in order to prevent unauthorized access to the SSH server.

[!IMPORTANT] if gen1 is needed, then both ACCESS_LEVEL, SSH_USER/USER_NAME must be set to root.

SSHing into the container

  1. gcloud run services proxy ${SERVICE_NAME} --region=${SERVICE_REGION} --port=8080

    see: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/run/services/proxy

  2. Use a WEB browser, got to:

  3. Fill in the following fields:

    • Hostname: (fixed)
    • Port: 2222 (fixed)
    • Username: ${SSH_USER}
    • Password: ${SSH_PASS}
  4. Click Connect

Advanced Configurations

[!TIP] In order to avoid having to handle access management for all users, it is better/simpler to provide user, password, Public key and authorized_keys as secrets via environment variable or volume mounts.

Cloud Run SSH server sidecar

As of version v2.0.0 the Cloud Run SSH Server can also be deployed as a sidecar which allows to individually access and troubleshoot Cloud Run instances running application code.

This operation mode does not require any modifications to the main –ingress– application container so that you can perform tests using its default configuration.

In order to SSH into the sidecar on a running instance, you'll need:

This setup works by creating bastion host ( the SSH Proxy Server ) through which Cloud Run instances are individually accessible but not directly routable:

  1. Upon startup, the Cloud Run SSH server sidecar creates a TLS tunnel via the SSH Proxy Server using the SSH Proxy Server API.

    • The TLS tunnel created by a Cloud Run instance is identified by a randomly generated UUID. This TLS tunnel ID is the Cloud Run instance's identity.
    • The SSH Proxy Server API is served over HTTPS and requires the SSH server sidecar and SSH Client to provide a verifiable ID token.
    • The Cloud Run SSH server sidecar uses the Cloud Run service identity to generate tokens.
    • The SSH Proxy Server API enforces access controls on the project hosting Cloud Run instances and the identity used by the Cloud Run service.
    • In order to be reachable, Cloud Run instances must register themselves with the SSH Proxy Server; otherwise, SSH Clients cannot connect.
  2. The SSH Proxy Server registers the available Cloud Run instance(s), and enables access via the reserved TLS tunnels.

    • The SSH Proxy Server enforces access controls on the TLS tunnel by restricting access to specific hosts or networks.
      • Allowed hosts must include the CIDR ranges assigned to VPC Connectors or Direct VPC.
  3. The SSH Proxy Server may be hosted wherever a container can be executed, provided that it has access to the Metadata Server; i/e: Compute Engine VM, Kubernetes Engine cluster, etc...

    • The SSH Proxy Server identity is a user defined and valid UUID which is verified by both the SSH server sidecar and the SSH Client before registering and using the TLS tunnels.
    • The SSH Proxy Server API & Tunnel ports can be adjusted; the default values are: 5000 for the API, and 5555 for the Tunnel.
  4. The SSH Client ( aka the SSH Proxy Visitor ) uses the SSH Proxy Server API to resolve a Cloud Run instance ID into the correct TLS tunnel to be used.

  5. The SSH Client uses the discovered TLS tunnel to connect to a running Cloud Run instance's SSH server sidecar via the SSH Proxy Server.

    • The SSH Proxy Server must also allow access to the host(s) IPv4/IPv6 or CIDR ranges where the SSH Clients will be connecting from.
  6. Cloud Run SSH server sidear pings the SSH Proxy Server API every 60 seconds to renew its registration.

    • Similarly, the SSH Proxy Server drops registrations if a Cloud Run instance has not renewed its registration within 15 minutes.


Since all networking happens within the VPC and tunnels are encrypted end to end, connecting into running instances is safe and secure.

[!IMPORTANT] While the SSH Proxy Server identity is known, the Cloud Run SSH server sidecar identity must remain confidential and only discovered via the SSH Proxy Server API.

SSH server sidecar

A pre-built Docker image is available as: ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:latest.

In addition to the environment variables used when running as the main –ingress– application container, the SSH server sidecar accepts the following:

SSH Proxy Server

A pre-built Docker image is available as: ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:proxy-server-latest.


The SSH Proxy Server requires a YAML configuraiton file which must be mounted at /etc/ssh_proxy_server/config.yaml.

Sample Configuration

id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
project_id: my-project-1
    - my-project-1
    - my-project-2
    - us-central1
    - us-west4
    - my-service-1
    - my-service-2
    - my-service-1-0001-abcd
    - my-service-2-0001-abcd
    - ssh@my-project-1.iam.gserviceaccount.com
    - ssh@my-project-2.iam.gserviceaccount.com
    - ::1


docker kill cloud-run-ssh-proxy-server

docker rm cloud-run-ssh-proxy-server

docker pull ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:proxy-server-latest

docker tag ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:proxy-server-latest cloud-run-ssh-proxy-server

docker run -d \
        --restart=unless-stopped \
        --name=cloud-run-ssh-proxy-server \
        -p 5555:${SSH_PROXY_SERVER_TUNNEL_PORT} \
        -p 5000:${SSH_PROXY_SERVER_API_PORT} \
        -p \
        -e PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID} \
        -v ./config.yaml:/etc/ssh_proxy_server/config.yaml:ro \

[!NOTE] Port 8888 exposes the SSH Proxy Server API ( same as ${SSH_PROXY_SERVER_API_PORT} ), but it does NOT enforce access_control other than allowed_hosts, nor is it served over HTTPS. It is strongly recommended to no expose port 8888 outisde loopback ( localhost ) interface.

SSH Client ( aka SSH Proxy Visitor )

A pre-built Docker image is available as: ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:client-latest


The SSH Client container requies the following environment variables:

Sample Environment



docker pull ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:client-latest

docker tag ghcr.io/gchux/cloud-run-ssh:client-latest cloud-run-ssh-client:latest

docker run -it --rm \
        --name=cloud-run-ssh-client \
        -e "INSTANCE_ID=${INSTANCE_ID}" \
        --env-file=ssh.env \

A bash script that executes the SSH Client container is also available;

this script accepts 1 argument: the Cloud Run INSTANCE_ID to connect; i/e: ./ssh ${INSTANCE_ID}:
