gcivil-nyu-org / team-5-inperson

3 stars 4 forks source link

NYC Basics

Staging Environment

https://nycbasics5.ga/ or here

Travis_Build Coverage

Production Environment

http://nycbasics5prod.ml/ or here

Travis_Build Coverage

Developer Guidelines

  1. Always work in a venv

    virtualenv env

    source env/bin/activate

  2. Remember to update requirements.txt

    pip freeze > requirements.txt

  3. To use requirements.txt

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. To run frontend node

    cd frontend

    npm install

    npm run watch

  5. To run backend django

    cd backend

    python manage.py runserver

  6. To run backend test

    cd backend

    python -m coverage run manage.py test

    coverage html

  7. To run frontend test

    cd backend/frontend

    npm run tests

  8. Check black and flake8 before all commits

    python -m black .

    python -m flake8 .