gdauby / ConR

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ConR package

The ConR package aims at assisting the preliminary assessment of species conservation status based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Categories and Criteria. More specifically, it helps users to calculate the population metrics related to the IUCN criteria A, B, C and D and to assign one of the IUCN categories (i.e. EX, EW, CR, EN, VU, NT, LC, DD). It was developed speed up the assessment of hundreds to thousands of species at the same time.

The ideas behind this package, and its testing involved many people and institutes.

The package it not available anymore on CRAN because of the recent retirement of various packages (rgdal, rgeos). The new version is nevertheless available on github and will soon be available on CRAN.

To install the github version :


Install R, ConR and dependent packages

First step. Install R.

Loading ConR

Attach ConR package This should be done everytime you open an R session.


Help files Any function in R is documented by a help file which can be obtained by the following code:


A mode detailed manual on how to use this package is available here.


The development of this package was supported by:


G. Dauby & R. A. F. de Lima (2023). ConR: Computation of Parameters Used in Preliminary Assessment of Species Conservation Status. R package (version 2.1.0).

See Also

Other R packages related to IUCN assessments: