gdg-tangier / cloud-pubsub

Google Cloud Pub/Sub for Laravel
MIT License
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Laravel Cloud Pub/Sub.


Build a scalable Laravel apps using event-driven microservices architecture (Pub/Sub), this tool adds the ability for your Laravel applications to communicate with each other using Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

Define your architecture.

First of all, you need to create subscriptions and topics in Google Cloud Platform, or you can use the cli.



You can define multiple subscribers (queue connections) config in config/queue.php, the app can subscribe to multiple subscriptions.


'pubsub' => [
      'driver' => 'pubsub',
      'queue'  => env('SUBSCRIPTION'),
      'credentials' => [
          'keyFilePath' => storage_path(env('PUBSUB_CLIENT_KEY')), // credentials file path '.json'
          'projectId'   => env('GCP_PROJECT_ID'),

Here where you can define your subscriptions jobs, events and topics mappings.



return [
     * GCP Credentials.
    'credentials' => [
        'keyFilePath' => storage_path(env('PUBSUB_CLIENT_KEY', 'client')),
        'projectId'   => env('GCP_PROJECT_ID'),

     * Here where you map events name with Google Pub/Sub topics.
     * Means, map each event name to specific Google Pub/Sub topic.
    'events'      => [
        'event_name' => '__YOUR_TOPIC_NAME__',

     * Here where you can tie the subscription classes (jobs) to topics.
     * Means, map each subscription job to a specific Google pubsub topic.
     * The subscription job is responsible for handling the incoming data
     * from a Google Pub/Sub topic.
    'subscriptions'        => [
        \App\PubSub\DummyJob::class => '__YOUR_TOPIC_NAME__',

Create subscription class.

A subscription class will be created at app/Subscribers



namespace App\Subscribers;

use GDGTangier\PubSub\Subscriber\SubscriberJob;
use GDGTangier\PubSub\Subscriber\Traits\JobHandler;

class UserUpdated
    use JobHandler;

     * @var mixed
    public $payload;

     * @var \GDGTangier\PubSub\Subscriber\SubscriberJob
    public $job;

     * UserUpdated constructor.
     * @param \GDGTangier\PubSub\Subscriber\SubscriberJob $job
     * @param $payload
    public function __construct(SubscriberJob $job, $payload)
        $this->job = $job;
        $this->payload = $payload;

     * Execute the job.
     * @return void
    public function handle()

Publishing data to the cloud.

use GDGTangier\PubSub\Publisher\Facades\PublisherFacade;

PublisherFacade::publish('MyData', 'event_name');
$publisher = app('gcloud.publisher.connection');

$publisher->publish('MyData', 'event_name');

php artisan pubsub:publish <message> <event>

Subscriptions worker.

Or alternatively you can run php artisan queue:work <connection>

Note: To keep the queue:subscribe process running permanently in the background, you should use a process monitor such as supervisor to ensure that the queue worker does not stop running.

Using GCP Pub/Sub emulator.

You need to install GCP command line tool and Setup Topics/Subscriptions

To use the emulator:

  1. Go to the AppServiceProvider@register and add PubSub::useEmulatorCredentials()

  2. Export the pubsub emulator host export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085

  3. Run the emulator, php artisan pubsub:emulator


You need to install GCP command line tool.

  1. Run the pubsub emulator./
  2. Export the pubsub emulator host export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085
  3. Run phpunit