To run OpenMEE from source, you'll need to install the corresponding dependencies.
You'll need to install the necessary R packages. First install the dependencies:
From within a (possibly) sudo-ed R session type:
> install.packages(c("metafor","lme4","MCMCpack","igraph", "ape", "mice", "Hmisc"))
Next, you'll need to build and install the openmetar packages and altered HSROC (NOT THE ONE FROM CRAN) package and install them. For now, these packages are located in the OpenMetaAnalyst Repository. These package are distributed with the source (NOT the OpenMEE source; the OpenMetaAnalyst source!) under the "src/R" directory of the OMA repository.
> R CMD build HSROC
> R CMD build openmetar
> sudo R CMD INSTALL HSROC_2.0.5.tar.gz
> sudo R CMD INSTALL openmetar_1.0.tar.gz
Once R is setup for OpenMeta, you'll need to install Python (we use 2.7) and the necessary libraries. You'll need PyQT (and QT: see installed -- we use PyQt 4.9; your mileage may vary with other versions.
Next, install rpy2 ( in Python. Verify that all is well by executing:
> import rpy2
> from rpy2 import robjects
At the Python console.
That should be all you need. Once everything is setup, you can launch the program by typing:
> python
At the console. This should fire up the GUI.
important dependency versions: R : 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) -- "Good Sport" metafor: 1.6.0 pyqt4 : 4.10.1