gdrane / MBEDSimulator

Simulates LPC 1768, Qemu based simulator
10 stars 4 forks source link

I. Compiling the Source For MACOS After Cloning Source on the host

  1. cd qemu-0.15.0/
  2. ./configure --disable-sdl --disable-cocoa --disable-darwin-user --target-list=arm-linux-user,armeb-linux-user,arm-softmmu
  3. make
  4. sudo make install

Running the Simulator

  1. Get the compiled binary for or compiling it on the host using gcc4mbed configs

  2. Command: qemu-system-arm -M mbed -kernel TestProg.bin

Debugging binaries

  1. Command: qemu-system-arm -M mbed -kernel TestProg.bin -s -S

  2. From another terminal arm-none-eabi-gdb(you get proper register information) or gdb (gdb) target remote localhost:1234 Start debugging TIP: Uses GCC4MBED when trying to debug because it gives you symbol information