gebes / native_ios_dialog

A Flutter plugin which makes it straightforward to show the native equivalent of a CupertinoAlertDialog or CupertinoActionSheet dialog.
MIT License
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dialog flutter ios

Native iOS Dialog

A Flutter plugin which makes it straightforward to show the native equivalent of a CupertinoAlertDialog or CupertinoActionSheet dialog.


To use this plugin, add native_ios_dialog as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Dialogs itself in Flutter are pretty awesome. However, the CupertinoAlertDialogs do not provide the same feeling as native iOS dialogs, so I created this plugin. With this plugin, you have all the customization options iOS provides.

Types of dialogs

Types of buttons

Each button can also be disabled

Sample Usage

Info dialog

NativeIosDialog(title: "Info", message: "Please consider the following information in this dialog.", style: style, actions: [
  NativeIosDialogAction(text: "OK", style: NativeIosDialogActionStyle.defaultStyle, onPressed: () {}),

Confirm dialog

NativeIosDialog(title: "Confirm", message: "Please confirm the following information in this dialog.", style: style, actions: [
  NativeIosDialogAction(text: "OK", style: NativeIosDialogActionStyle.defaultStyle, onPressed: () {}),
  NativeIosDialogAction(text: "Cancel", style: NativeIosDialogActionStyle.cancel, onPressed: () {}),