geckoanton / Quadrum

LED-Cube framework and editor for easier streaming and uploading of animations
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 1 forks source link
arduino cube led


Quadrum logo

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Quadrum is a LED-Cube framework and editor that was built to ease the uploading and streaming of animations. Visit for implementation details of Quadrum, as well as downloadable release versions of the Quadrum editor (available for Windows, Linux and MacOS) and Arduino library.

IntelliJ Development

The project is set up for the IntelliJ IDE, to edit the desktop software source code - clone this repository and open the directory desktop/Quadrum in IntelliJ. To be able to compile and run the project you must download and link the libraries described below. Compile the project with java version 11.0.9 or similar (the main class is located under src/main/

Third Party Libraries

Download the following libraries and add them to the cloned project in IntelliJ (to add a library navigate to File > Project Structure, click on Libraries, click on + and add the path to the library).

Arduino Library

The Quadrum Arduino library is located under arduino/Quadrum. To compile and upload the source code - add the directory to the Arduino IDE as a library and include the header files as usual.

Compile Custom JRE

To compile a custom JRE that is distributed with Quadrum run the following with jlink

jlink --output QuadrumJRE --module-path <PATH_TO_JAVAFX>/javafx-jmods-11.0.2:<PATH_TO_JSERIALCOMM>/jSerialComm-2.6.2.jar --add-modules java.datatransfer,java.desktop,jdk.xml.dom,,javafx.fxml,javafx.controls,javafx.web,com.fazecast.jSerialComm

replace <PATH_TO_JAVAFX> and <PATH_TO_JSERIALCOMM> with their respective paths. <PATH_TO_JAVAFX> must link to JavaFX jmods and not JavaFX SDK (the type we linked to from IntelliJ).


Quadrum is released under the GNU General Public License which can be found in the LICENSE file. However, the third-party libraries utilized in the project such as jSerialComm are not necessarily distributed under the same license as Quadrum - to review license information regarding jSerialComm, navigate to thirdPartyLicenses/jSerialComm or visit

All icons except for the Quadrum logo have been downloaded from