Closed fabern closed 1 month ago
Minimum working example (MWE) follows. Below code runs the simulation for FR-Pue for the PHYDRO model for three different values of whc
. It should result in different le
, corresponding to the differences in aet
library(rsofun) #
# define model parameter values from previous
params_modl <- list(
kphio = 0.04998, # setup ORG in Stocker et al. 2020 GMD
kphio_par_a = 0.0, # set to zero to disable temperature-dependence of kphio
kphio_par_b = 1.0,
soilm_thetastar = 0.6 * 240, # to recover old setup with soil moisture stress
soilm_betao = 0.0,
beta_unitcostratio = 146.0,
rd_to_vcmax = 0.014, # value from Atkin et al. 2015 for C3 herbaceous
tau_acclim = 30.0,
kc_jmax = 0.41#,
# whc = driver$site_info[[1]]$whc
#drivers_for_debugging_PHYDRO <- p_model_drivers # NOT YET UPDATED FOR PHDRO
drivers_for_debugging_PHYDRO <- readRDS(file = here::here("data/p_model_drivers_newformat.rds"))
drivers_for_debugging_PHYDRO$params_siml[[1]]$use_gs <- TRUE
# Run 3 simulations with different WHC:
output_use_gs <- bind_rows(
drivers_for_debugging_PHYDRO |> tidyr::unnest(site_info) |> mutate(whc = 432) |> tidyr::nest(site_info = !c(sitename, params_siml, starts_with("forcing"))),
par = purrr::assign_in(params_modl, "whc", 432)
) |> mutate(sitename = paste0(sitename, "_432mm")),
drivers_for_debugging_PHYDRO |> tidyr::unnest(site_info) |> mutate(whc = 5) |> tidyr::nest(site_info = !c(sitename, params_siml, starts_with("forcing"))),
par = purrr::assign_in(params_modl, "whc", 5)
) |> mutate(sitename = paste0(sitename, "_5mm")),
drivers_for_debugging_PHYDRO |> tidyr::unnest(site_info) |> mutate(whc = 5000) |> tidyr::nest(site_info = !c(sitename, params_siml, starts_with("forcing"))),
par = purrr::assign_in(params_modl, "whc", 5000)
) |> mutate(sitename = paste0(sitename, "_5000mm"))
# Plot:
output_use_gs |>
tidyr::unnest(data) |> select(-site_info) |>
filter(date < "2012-01-01") |>
select(sitename, date, gpp, aet, le, pet) |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(!c(sitename,date)) %>%
ggplot(data = ., mapping=aes(x=date, y=value, color=sitename, linetype=sitename)) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(name~., scales = "free_y") +
A test case for the test suite can be to check that aet
and le
correspond to each other:
# Test for the test suite:
# remotes::install_github("geco-bern/cwd")
# library(cwd)
# convert_et(le, temp, pressure)
convert_et <- function (et_e, tc, patm, return_df = FALSE) {
output_use_gs |>
tidyr::unnest(data) |>
select(sitename, date, aet, le) |>
group_by(sitename) |>
summarise(#identical(aet, aet),
identical(aet, convert_et(le))) # with the correct function, they should be the same
I think the root problem is somewhere else. soilmstress
is never below 1.0. I'm looking at it now.
Should be resolved now with 21f4e98a0f49b06eac6e7444ec5b0baf64cdd2bf.
* [ ] TODO: What still needs to be considered is, if the correction should be applied to the total evapotranspiration (`daet`) or also the its two constituents: `daet_soil` and `daet_canopy`.
See PR #221 : it makes a suggestion at a correction. However, it is still unsatisfying since daet_canopy can get negative (FR-Pue with WHC of 5mm, see test-model-runs.R
This is solved by PR #221.
When AET is reduced due to soil moisture stress, we reduce AET_soil and AET_canopy proportianlly, i.e. maintain the fraction of actual canopy transpiration to total actual (AET_canopy / AET), thereby asserting that AET == AET_soil + AET_canopy.
Using Phydro, the water holding capacity is incorrectly taking into account for the output
. This is linked to the correction happening when the bucket is empty: the above Fortran code, actual transpiration in units of mm (
aet = daet
) are corrected, but not the actual transpiration in units of energy (le = daet_e
).With Francesco we suggest to add another line that does the same correction for
, too.daet
) or also the its two constituents:daet_soil