geelen / jspm-loader-jsx

A hot-reloading JSX plugin for JSPM
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JSPM Loader: JSX

A hot-reloading JSX plugin for JSPM

To use in your project:

jspm install jsx=npm:jspm-loader-jsx

Then in your application:

// config.js - ensure you have the following
  babelOptions: {
    blacklist: []
// main.js
import MyComponent from 'my-component.jsx!'
// my-component.jsx
import React from 'react'
export default MyComponent extends React.Component {

Note: this plugin only works with ES6 JSX files. And be sure your System.js has babelOptions: { blacklist: [] }, since JSX transpilation is disabled by default.

To use JSX live-reload

If your file is called my-component.js, this plugin will look for a React component named MyComponent in the file as the default export. If it finds it, it will try to apply react-hot-api so the component can be reloaded while preserving state. It's amazing.

If no MyComponent is defined, or it's not a React component, it will fall back to setting __hotReload = true. See jspm-server for more information.


If you're finding the page reloading a lot, look in the console for information. A generally-safe approach is adding export let __hotReload = true to your main.js (whereever your React.render call is). Then, if a single file can't be hot-reloaded, it will bubble up and the whole React app will be reloaded. You'll lose whatever state is in the application, but at least the whole browser won't reload.

With thanks

Glen Maddern, 2015.