gelisam / surjective

An output coverage checker
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Here is a parsing function which is missing a case:

parseBool :: String -> Maybe Bool
parseBool = \case
  "true" -> Just True
  _      -> Nothing

And here is how to annotate the function using surjective so the compiler warns us about that missing case:

-- Warning: Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
-- In a case alternative: Patterns not matched: (Just False)
parseBool :: String -> Maybe Bool
parseBool = $$(surjective
  [||\covers -> \case
    "true" -> covers $ \(Just True) -> Just True
    _      -> covers $ \Nothing     -> Nothing

Since the check is entirely syntactic, surjective can be used to check other kinds of coverage conditions, not just surjectivity. For example, here we attempt to list all the values of type Maybe Bool, but we are missing a case:

listMaybeBools :: [Maybe Bool]
listMaybeBools = [Just True, Nothing]

Here is how to annotate the list using surjective so the compiler warns us about that missing case:

-- Warning: Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
-- In a case alternative: Patterns not matched: (Just False)
listMaybeBools :: [Maybe Bool]
listMaybeBools = $$(surjective
  [||\covers -> [ covers $ \(Just True) -> Just True
                , covers $ \Nothing     -> Nothing
