<- but don't trust this badge just yet (see issue #23)
- The dankest chat bot in all the land, currently returns image searches from:
- imgur
- giphy
google images
- Can also perform these amazing feats of bot-ness:
- Roll dice
- Choose an item from a list, for the indicisive bot user
- Play cards against humanity(!)
- Play a crappy battle game
- Be sassy AF
- hipchat webhooks + python + magic
- runs on heroku or anywhere you want to run python
if you don't have the python virtualenv package, install it: pip install virtualenv
clone + go into dankBot repo directory: git clone https://github.com/gelstudios/dankBot && cd dankBot
create a virtual env inside the dankbot repo: virtualenv venv
load virtual env: source venv/bin/activate
setup your environment by editing dankbot.env.dist
, save it as dankbot.env
- imgur_id='your_imgur_client_id' # <- imgur key goes here
- imgur_secret='your_imgur_client_secret' # <- imgur secret goes here
- google_api_key='your_google_api_key' # <- google api key goes here
- google_cseid='your_google_cseid' # <- google cseid goes here
- DEBUG=True # <- controls debug console logging (default is False)
- NOMEME=True # <- controls meme search during battle function
- AUTH_TOKEN='your_hipchat_auth_token' # <- dankbot needs its own hipchat auth token for CaH DM's
- REDIS_HOST='localhost' # <- change this if not using a local redis instance
- REDIS_PORT=63790 # <- redis port number
- REDIS_AUTH='your_redis_auth_string' # <- redis password goes here
load the env file: source dankbot.env
start the bot: python hipchat.py
in another shell, run the tests: ./test.sh
- lovingly crafted these fine folks:
- @gelstudios
- @emenym
- @arichards611
- @jrg4017
- Fix open issues
- Create a driver interface for different chat service providers
- Slack driver for above interface
- a basic REST api (maybe)