gembarrett / coconduct-builder

An online tool for building a thorough and well-supported Code of Conduct specific to a community's online and/or offline environment.
MIT License
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Code of Conduct builder

"The golden rule is a good standard which can perhaps even be improved by doing unto others, wherever possible, as they would be done by" - Karl Popper

An online tool for building a thorough and well-supported Code of Conduct specific to a community's online and/or offline environment.


Current resources for building a Code of Conduct for online and offline spaces (such as conferences and repositories) are blog posts and copyable policies. Lots of reading lots of opinions (some differing) and lots of things to consider - it’s overwhelming for most people and is a huge task to provide a supportable and well-considered Code of Conduct. Usual solution is to either not have one or to copy and paste an existing one without properly implementing processes to support it. Both are poor solutions that fail to support attendees and can give a false sense of security to them.


To make the process of creating a Code of Conduct more efficient, while encouraging users to think about the processes they need to put in place to support it. Users should be educated primarily about the need for a Code of Conduct but also on methods of encouraging diversity at their event or repo.

Functionality priorities

  1. Interactive tool for building a Code of Conduct for a community’s offline spaces (e.g. conferences and events)
  2. Expanding the previous functionality to include online spaces (e.g. repos and forums)
  3. Additional resources for self-education
