gemini86 / node-red-contrib-chart-image

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Generate a chart in image form using Chart.js


A chart image buffer will be generated using the chart.js definition object found in msg.payload. See the chart.js documentation for more info on defining a chart.

Canvas Size:

Setting msg.width and/or msg.height to the desired size in pixels will override the node configuration.

Default Color Pallet:

If no backgroundColor or borderColor is defined for a dataset, Chartjs assigns the global default color of rgba(0,0,0,0.1). To make life a little easier, this node changes that behavior to assign each dataset a color from preset pallet, which includes 32 colors. If you define your own colors in a dataset, that color will be used, you do have to define both backgroundColor and borderColor if both are to be displayed. for line charts, use fill:false to prevent the use of backgroundColor.


This node includes chartjs-plugin-datalabels and chartjs-plugin-annotations. Each can be defined as you would according to their documentation. You can also define the chart background color by defining a chartArea object under the options scope.

chartArea: {
    backgroundColor: 'white'


msg.payload = {
    options: {
           plugins: {
               datalabels: {

Additional plugins can be used by installing the desired plugin in the Node-RED install directory and following the settings.js example to import the module into your Node-RED instance.

functionGlobalContext: {
        // os:require('os'),
        // jfive:require("johnny-five"),
        // j5board:require("johnny-five").Board({repl:false}),
        myMuchNeededPlugin: require('chartjs-plugin-yourplugin')

From there, you can pass it to your chart vie msg.plugins.

msg.plugins = {
    myMuchNeededPlugin: global.get('myMuchNeededPlugin')

Then you just need to define the plugin options in your chart definition object.


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