genekellyjr / LOTR-Subs

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Made whilst wasting on Arwen's wasting pillow

How to use

If choosing combined PGS subs, make sure your combined is the same as mine since the timings will be off slightly for disc2 stuff if not.

You can generate your own PGS subs instead of using the release ones I made by opening the .srt file in Subtitle Edit and then use MKVToolNix's GUI to replace the original subtitles with the appropriate .sup file for the appropriate movie or movie part.

You can also embed the .srt file instead of the .sup file. The .sup file is blu-ray PGS subtitles which are pictures and look nice, while the .srt file is just text and it's up to your player to decide how to show them. I haven't done any work on positioning the .srt subtitles, just making sure they're right.

FOTR Extended Specs

TTT Extended Specs

ROTK Extended Specs

Note that for 4K blu-rays you'd have to remake the subs from the SRT file with Video res in Subtitle Edit set to UHD. I don't have the 4k blu-rays so I can't know if the font changed/was adjusted at all/etc. The timings for the subtitles should be the same, at least.

Also note that it's possible to adjust the time stamps of the combined .srt file's 2nd disc subtitles to align to your combined timing. (hint: put an empty subtitle that ends 24 ms before the time you want to align to, then paste in disc 2 subtitles so they're timed right)

Video showing how to add .sup files from the Releases section to a TTT combined movie:

Help translate anything missing!

If you notice anything missing a translation, note the movie, time, and disc# or combined and open an issue or find an issue for it already. Hopefully I can find someone translating it (since I am but a laylad) or be graced with someone who can translate it.

FOTR Extended Combine Discs 1 & 2 Instructions

Color Correct

This is needed since the colors in FOTR are abs bjorked. (Do not color correct 4k FOTR, I hear its colors are just fine!)

Shout out to Pascal @ for noting the issue was default open GOP (whatver that is). It's no problem for disc 1 b/c it counts from the start of the file, but disc 2 gets cut and references non-existant earlier stuff and goes bad, so --no-open-gop it is for disc 2!


Do not worry if you did not re-encode with key frames 151969 for d1 and 48 for d2, they are key frames in the original x264 encoding because they're the first black frame/first non-black frame so the encoder put key frames there automatically. Splitting will work great!

The multi-step way below will not have any timing issues, but it is more steps than the 1-shot. Especially use if you're keeping the commentary tracks.

Per agressiv @ Note their frame #s are off because they missed that MPC-HC counts from 0 as 1st frame while MKVToolNix counts from 1 as 1st frame and that MKVToolNix's ranges are inclusive, so they're off by 2 frames but otherwise right.

This is the 1-shot way, it will fail if you have commentary tracks since I guess one of them is a bit long so the audio gets offset or something.

1st number goes up to last movie frame (151968) and splits at 151969 (first black frame which is set as the key frame). 2nd number is based on 152090 total frames in Disc 1 plus 48, so it starts a split at 1st movie frame in d2 (48) and goes from there. Identify frames in MPC-HC via CTRL+G, note it counts from 1st frame 0 while MKVToolNix counts from 1st frame 1, so you need to add 1 to whatever you find.

TTT Extended Combine Discs 1 & 2 Instructions

Note that I got a warning about indexes being bad or something from MKVToolNix but everything seems fine. I got the warning for doing it in the 1 shot method and appending the seperately split files (split d1 at 153368, split d2 at 24, then append without any splitting), so seems no way to avoid but no problem either.

The music definitively ends on frame 153396 (1:46:37.814, according to a waveform of the audio via Audacity. plus 1 frame). (the first black frame is on frame 153307 but the music abruptly cuts then) The original 1080p encoding has key frames of 6394.179 (f#153307), 6395.014, 6395.848, 6396.682 (1:46:36.682, f#153368), 6397.516 (1:46:37.516, f#153387), 6398.350 (1:46:38.350). You can re-encode with a keyframe set at 153396 to get it just right, but the wait seems a bit egregious then. Cutting it at when I more or less can't hear it anymore (1:46:36.343, so closest keyframe after it) should let the scene end but also not be too long, which was the key frame 153368, 2.503 seconds after the first black frame. With the cut at 153368 established, and d2 has 24 frames over black, d1 has 153426 total frames so after appending both together you get up to 153368 and then 153450 (153426+24) to the end. Identify frames in MPC-HC via CTRL+G, note it counts from 1st frame 0 while MKVToolNix counts from 1st frame 1, so you need to add 1 to whatever you find.

ROTK Extended Combine Discs 1 & 2 Instructions

Note that I got a warning about indexes being bad or something from MKVToolNix but everything seems fine. I got the warning for doing it in the 1 shot method and appending the seperately split files (split d1 at 183583, split d2 at 24, then append without any splitting), so seems no way to avoid but no problem either.

ROTK has a similar setup to TTT at the end of d1 with the music drifting off. It becomes mostly unhearable at 2:07:36.364 (f#183570). Frame 183542 is the first black frame. The key frames are 2:7:35.231 f#183542, 2:7:36.065 f#183563, 2:7:36.899, f#183583, 2:7:37.733, 2:7:38.568, 2:7:39.402. Again, the hard cut at 183542 feels wrong (music just cuts), so closest at f#183583 is used. With the cut at 183583 established, and d2 has 24 frames over black, d1 has 183662 total frames so after appending both together you get up to 183583 and then 183686 (183662+24) to the end. Identify frames in MPC-HC via CTRL+G, note it counts from 1st frame 0 while MKVToolNix counts from 1st frame 1, so you need to add 1 to whatever you find.

Make your own combined timings

Timing Adjustments:

FOTR d2 first matching line:
00:00:47,256 --> 00:00:50,759
[IN ENGLISH] In her heart, your mother
knew you'd be hunted all your life.

FOTR _your original_ combined:
#1097 in Subtitle Edit
01:46:23.653 -> +0.001 -> 01:46:23.654

Difference in start times:

Make the combined .srt

Convert .SRT -> .SUP files yourself

Note that the below settings aren't perfect, just really close. It seems for:

-Dialog like

in the orig subs they are center left justified custom, but I don't have the wherewithal to do that (unless maybe all issues get closed). The dialog is also slightly different sizes and there's more padding from Subtitle Edit on the top and bottom that I can't control.


Font Family: Arial
Font Size: 66
Video res: 1080p
Align: Center, left justify dialog
Bottom margin: 5%
Border style: Normal, width=3
Frame rate: 23.976
Shadow width: 0
Line height: 77 <- only thing that changes between movies


Font Family: Arial
Font Size: 66
Video res: 1080p
Align: Center, left justify dialog
Bottom margin: 5%
Border style: Normal, width=3
Frame rate: 23.976
Shadow width: 0
Line height: 72 <- only thing that changes between movies


Font Family: Arial
Font Size: 66
Video res: 1080p
Align: Center, left justify dialog
Bottom margin: 5%
Border style: Normal, width=3
Frame rate: 23.976
Shadow width: 0
Line height: 85 <- only thing that changes between movies

Export, use MKVToolNix (mkvtoolnix-gui.exe) to merge, remove old subs (or keep and rename/remove default tag)!

Process to translate yourself

identify subtitle ID #

mkvextract "C:\path\to\LORT FOTR_d1.mkv" tracks #:"C:\path\to\LORT FOTR_d1.sup"

mkvextract "C:\path\to\LORT FOTR_d2.mkv" tracks #:"C:\path\to\LORT FOTR_d2.sup"

* Subtitle Edit's Tesseract 5 OCR to convert to SRT with correct timings. Edit each line manually, many I's are |'s, misses most accent marks. Better than bianary.
* Save SRT as original. Save as SRT as translated for edits.
* Load in the movie to Subtitle Edit, use FOTR/TTT/ROTK subs from as a guide for general times Sindarin/Quenya/Black Speech happen (timings aren't quite right due to Disc1+Disc2 combo differing prob idk).
* Add them all in painfully. Pre-embedded subs require Sindarin to be on 1 line only.
* Use resources (below) to check translation quality, catch few missing translations.
* Any text like: `GANDALF: <i>I am a...` needs an extra space to match the original sub spacing like `GANDALF: <i> I am a...`.
* Identify font family and use BDSup2Sub Enhanced 0.0.9 to make sure new subs visually match originals (do not use/save w/ BDSup2Sub, it drops subtitles silently).

## Resources per movie
### FOTR &



The Lament for Gandalf needs extra crutches:
* Soundtrack from

* Words to the non-extended version of the soundtrack

* Sheet music page 1

* Sheet music page 2

* Official words and translation (annotated score)

* Unofficial words and translation (#10 notes and #11)

* LOTR symphony translations, idk I found them in the pdf directory there

### TTT &



*  Éowyn's Dirge in

*  Annotated score

*  Monoverantus' videos

### ROTK &



* Aragorn's recital

* Annotated Score

### Black Speech resources

* List of all known words

* Translated Black Speech score (used in at least 1 scene as words) at "BLACK SPEECH RING-VERSE" on page 17

* Extra phrase at `40. Ringwraith's Cry.`

* Lyrics at

* Extra phrase at

### Orcish Black Speech (Yrksk apparently) - centered on the general orc chanting stuff

* pics of all of the things chanted in the stadium for ROTK (afaik)

*  Za dashu snaku Zigur, Durbgu nazgshu, Durbgu dashshu was recorded in the stadium for TTT (AFAIK just the "Durbgu nazgshu, Durbgu dashshu" part)


### Khuzdûl resources

* [Khuzdûl blog posts by David Salo](

* [Khuzdûl dictionarry by David Salo](

* [Dwarrow Scholar - this is 3rd party so less relevant to the movies directly, but is thorough](

## Style Guide

### 1st line of Elvish w/ baked-on translations

[IN SINDARIN] (Suilad.)


### Missing baked-on translations

[IN SINDARIN] [Frodo is dying.] (Frodo fîr. Suilad.)

### Fully missing translations


[IN SINDARIN] Hi. (Suilad.)


### Song

Words words words

Words words words

Punctuation not needed for verses.

[SINGING IN SINDARIN] O Queen beyond the Western Seas! (A Bereth thar Ennui Aeair!)

STRIDER [HUMS IN SINDARIN]: Tinúviel the elven-fair (Tinúviel elvanui)

### Continued sentences

All you have to decide... what to do with the time that is given to you.

### All italicized text with `PERSON: <i>` needs an extra space after the `<i>` for it to show correctly in the blu-ray PGS .sub output

PERSON: Hello. Hi.

(but not the very first `GANDALF: <i>You cannot pass!...` in TTT for ?reasons?)

## Thanks to Sources
_"If everyone stands on top of everyone else's shoulders, we get really high without needing to find a ladder." - Isaac Fignewton_

### FOTR
LeithioiPhilinn on Subscene

FUNKSW on Subscene's translations's translations

### TTT
LeithioiPhilinn on Subscene, Dietrich from before that's translations's translations

### ROTK
LeithioiPhilinn on Subscene, Galadhorn and peeps on from before that's translations's translations's quote and context

### Black Speech's list's translations