generalsle1n / IRH

I've created a suite of some little helper tools within incident response when dealing with security breaches. These tools provide essential features for IT security professionals, making it easier to manage and respond to incidents effectively.
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I've created a suite of some little helper tools within incident response when dealing with security breaches. These tools provide essential features for IT security professionals, making it easier to manage and respond to incidents effectively.


Tech Stack

Framework: .Net C#

OS: Linux Windows Mac


App Screenshot

Run Locally to Develop

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd IRH\IRH

Install dependencies

  dotnet restore

Build and Start the Cli Tool

  dotnet run

Installation for Production Usage

Publish the project with the following settings


Lessons Learned

Many 😀, finishing this list, when the project is "done"


If you have any feedback, please open an issue or an pull request 😀


LDAP Directory Monitoring (Via LDAP Events and not from Security Logs)

The LDAPMonitor tool allows for continuous monitoring of LDAP directories. It can:

Azure MFA Reporting

The AzureMFA tool enables comprehensive reporting on Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) settings. It can:

Azure Audit Logs

Login Specific Reporting

The LoginAudit tool is designed to provide in-depth reporting on login-related activities recorded in the Azure Audit Log.

Exchange Specific Reporting

The LoginAudit tool is designed to provide in-depth reporting on login-related activities recorded in the Azure Audit Log.


Can i add by myself some new features?

Yeah sure --> If you think its good, create an pull request

Does it can run offline?

Some features yes, but the Graph Api requires an internet connection


To run this project, you need to specify the paramters in the command line tool of youre choice

Azure MFA Reporting

Command: -Azure -AMFA

Description: Fetches and reports the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) settings for Azure AD users, crucial for verifying the security posture and compliance of user accounts.
-G, --Group (optional): Filter users by group ID(s) to focus on specific subsets of users.
-P, --PermissionScope (optional): Define custom permission scopes for Azure API access (default: Directory.Read.All, UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All).
-A, --AppID (required): Application ID for Azure AD.
-T, --Tenant (optional): Tenant ID (default: common).
-R, --Report (optional): Report format (default: CLI; options: CLI, Json, CLIAndJson).
-PL, --PrintLevel (optional): Detail level in the report (default: Brief; options: Brief, Info, Detailed, Hacky).
IRH.exe -Azure -AMFA --AppID "your-app-id" --Tenant "your-tenant-id" --Report CLI -PL Info

./IRH -Azure -AMFA --AppID "your-app-id" --Tenant "your-tenant-id" --Report CLI -PL Info

dotnet run -Azure -AMFA --AppID "your-app-id" --Tenant "your-tenant-id" --Report CLI -PL Info

Azure Audit Login Reporting

Command: -Azure -Audit -Login

Description: Fetches and reports the the most important Login related Infos for Azure AD users, crucial for verifying the security posture and compliance of user accounts.
-P, --PermissionScope (optional): Define custom permission scopes for Azure API access (default: Directory.Read.All, UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All).
-A, --AppID (required): Application ID for Azure AD.
-T, --Tenant (optional): Tenant ID (default: common).
-R, --Report (optional): Report format (default: CLI; options: CLI, Json, CLIAndJson).
-PL, --PrintLevel (optional): Detail level in the report (default: Brief; options: Brief, Info, Detailed, Hacky).
-S, --Start (optional): Enter the Start of the Investigation (Just in Format DD.MM.YYYY))
-E, --End (optional): Enter the End of the Investigation (Just in Format DD.MM.YYYY))
-AC, --Activities (optional): Enter the Default Activities that should be searched in the Audit Logs (Seperated By Whitespace (default:MailboxLogin|UserLoggedIn|UserLoginFailed)
-QT, --QueryWait (optional): Enter the Value how long to wait between the single query checks (In Seconds) (default: 10)
-EQ, --ExisitingQuery (optional): Enter the Name of the Existing Query to use the result
 -FP, --FilterParameter (optional): Filter on Parameternames (Displayfilter), Wildcards are supported (This Setting works only on Printlevel Info and above) its also possible to enter multiple values seperated by whitespace
-FV, --FilterValue (optional): Filter on Paramtervalue (Datafilter): Syntax --> ParamterName:FilterValue (Example: Id:241af6fe-955d-4884-b27d-08dc93695d85), if you specify multiple serpated by whitespace it have an AND Operator
-AU, --AuthType (optional): Enter the the process how you want to authenticate (default:DeviceCode)

Azure Audit Exchange Reporting

Command: -Azure -Audit -Exchange

Description: Fetches and reports the the most important Exchange related Infos for Office365 Mailboxen, crucial for verifying the security posture and compliance of user accounts.
-P, --PermissionScope (optional): Define custom permission scopes for Azure API access (default: Directory.Read.All, UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All).
-A, --AppID (required): Application ID for Azure AD.
-T, --Tenant (optional): Tenant ID (default: common).
-R, --Report (optional): Report format (default: CLI; options: CLI, Json, CLIAndJson).
-PL, --PrintLevel (optional): Detail level in the report (default: Brief; options: Brief, Info, Detailed, Hacky).
-S, --Start (optional): Enter the Start of the Investigation (Just in Format DD.MM.YYYY))
-E, --End (optional): Enter the End of the Investigation (Just in Format DD.MM.YYYY))
-AC, --Activities (optional): Enter the Default Activities that should be searched in the Audit Logs (Seperated By Whitespace (default:MailboxLogin|UserLoggedIn|UserLoginFailed)
-QT, --QueryWait (optional): Enter the Value how long to wait between the single query checks (In Seconds) (default: 10)
-EQ, --ExisitingQuery (optional): Enter the Name of the Existing Query to use the result
 -FP, --FilterParameter (optional): Filter on Parameternames (Displayfilter), Wildcards are supported (This Setting works only on Printlevel Info and above) its also possible to enter multiple values seperated by whitespace
-FV, --FilterValue (optional): Filter on Paramtervalue (Datafilter): Syntax --> ParamterName:FilterValue (Example: Id:241af6fe-955d-4884-b27d-08dc93695d85), if you specify multiple serpated by whitespace it have an AND Operator
-AU, --AuthType (optional): Enter the the process how you want to authenticate (default:DeviceCode)
IRH.exe -Azure -Audit -Exchange --AppID "your-app-id" --Tenant "your-tenant-id" --Report CLI -PL Info

./IRH -Azure -Audit -Exchange --AppID "your-app-id" --Tenant "your-tenant-id" --Report CLI -PL Info

dotnet run -Azure -Audit -Exchange --AppID "your-app-id" --Tenant "your-tenant-id" --Report CLI -PL Info

Ldap Monitoring

Command: -LS

Description: Monitors an LDAP path for changes, allowing security teams to detect unauthorized or suspicious modifications.
-N, --Name (required): The domain name of the LDAP server.
-U, --User (required): Username for LDAP connection.
-P, --Password (required): Password for LDAP connection.
-p, --Port (optional): Port for LDAP connection (default: 389).
IRH.exe -LS --Name "" --User "admin" --Password "password"

./IRH -LS --Name "" --User "admin" --Password "password"

dotnet run -LS --Name "" --User "admin" --Password "password"

