generoi / genero-design-system
MIT License
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Genero Design System


In vanilla project

Using lazy loaded ES modules.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script type="module">
      import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from ''

      applyPolyfills().then(() => {

In React projects

Install GDS to you project.

npm install genero-design-system

Add this to React App's index.js file. More info

// Include global GDS css with css variables.
import 'genero-design-system/dist/gds/gds.css'

import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from 'genero-design-system/loader'

// applyPolyfills for Edge and IE11. 
applyPolyfills().then(() => {

Use as React components.

import { GdsButton } from 'genero-design-system/react'

const render = () => {
  return <GdsButton rightIcon="❯">button</GdsButton>

Use as web components.

import React from 'react'

const render = () => {
  return <div><gds-button right-icon="❯">button</gds-button></div>

SASS library

There's no main entrypoint for all mixins, you are instead encouraged to encapsulate all dependencies in the files that they are used.

// Import component
@use '~genero-design-system/src/components/gds-button' as button;

.button {
  @include button.base;


npm install

Build and watch changes. Also checks dependencies for updates.

npm start

Run storybook

npm run storybook

Creating a new component

Use the gds-button component as a basis for the new component.

Use Stencil CLI to generate a new component:

npm run generate

Next do the following:

Build and watch the component and generate docs. TODO: This should also watch changes in _index.scss files.

npm run start

Style Guide

While we don't have our internal Style Guide, let's use the same as Stencil core team:



Build Storybook

Build static storybook to /docs folder.

npm run build
npm run build:storybook

You can test static version locally.

npx http-server docs

The storybooks are automatically built on commits to master and when versions are tagged. For now you'll need to edit thedocs/storybook-config.json file and add versions you want to be displayed. TODO: this should be done with a script in the github action.

If you want to manually add a version to the storybooks docs:

# Build the storybook
npm run build
npm run build:storybook

# Clone the gh-pages branch
git clone --single-branch -b gh-pages gds-gh-pages
cd gds-gh-pages
cp -r ../docs docs/my-custom-build

# Edit the storybook.config.json to include the version
vim docs/storybook.config.json

Tips, tricks, and gotchas

Please add here, when you solve something you got stuck at.

In React apps:

Storybook roadmap


Commits will be linted according to conventional commits

you can also use commitizen

npx git-cz

or if you have it installed

git cz

Using local version of GDS in other projects

You can use linking to use GDS local repo in other project directly.

Go to GDS local repo.

yarn link

Go to you project where you want to use GDS directly.

yarn link genero-design-system


Publishing a new version

Build first

Make sure everything is built.

npm run build

Create release

Automatically generates changelog and bumps the version.

Bump minor (or patch or major) version:

npm run release -- --release-as minor

or based on commit log:

npm run release

or manually specify the version:

npm run release -- --release-as 1.1.0

or a named prerelease version:

npm run release -- --prerelease beta

Push release commit and tag.

git push
git push --tags

See conventional-changelog/standard-version#cli-usage for more details and examples

Publish release to NPM

npm login
npm publish