This software was developed at the Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann
Institute (FLI; under a mixed licensing model. This
means that researchers at academic and non-profit organizations can use it for
free, while for-profit organizations are required to purchase a license. By
downloading the package you agree with conditions of the FLI Software License
Agreement for Academic Non-commercial Research (FLI-LICENSE).
FRAMA is a transcriptome assembly and mRNA annotation pipeline, which utilizies external and newly developed software components. Starting with RNA-seq data and a reference transcriptome, FRAMA performs 4 steps:
1) de novo transcript assembly (Trinity),
2) gene symbol assignment (best bidirectional blastn hit) and
3) fusion detection and scaffolding
4) contig annotation (CDS, mRNA boundaries).
Further details (link):
Bens M et al. FRAMA: from RNA-seq data to annotated mRNA assemblies.
BMC Genomics. 2016;17:54. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-2349-8.
All you need is a reference transcriptome in GenBank format and RNA-seq data in FastQ format. You can also provide orthologs to your reference transcripts from other species. The additional homologs are used for CDS inference.
FRAMA runs on Linux and is written in Perl (5.10.0), R (3.0.3) and GNU Make (3.81). FRAMA does not require any compilation, but relies on common bioinformatic applications to be installed. The installation of all external software packages might seem like a daunting task, but your package manager might bring you halfway through (see Installation).
Software | Link | Description |
Trinity | | mandatory |
samtools | | mandatory |
bamtools | | mandatory |
bowtie1 | | mandatory |
bowtie2 | | mandatory |
EMBOSS | | mandatory |
MAFFT | | mandatory |
GENSCAN | | mandatory |
RepeatMasker | | optional |
CD-HIT-EST | | optional |
TGICL | | optional |
WU-BLAST | | mandatory |
In case you do not use WU-BLAST:
Software | Link | Description |
NCBI-BLAST | | mandatory |
GenblastA | | mandatory |
Available via CPAN.
Module | Version |
BioPerl | 1.006924 |
Parallel::ForkManager | 0.7.5 |
Set::IntSpan | 1.19 |
FileHandle::Unget | 0.1628 |
Text::Soundex | 3.05 |
Installation using cpanm:
cd setup && cpanm --installdeps .
Package | Version |
plyr | 1.8.3 |
ggplot2 | 1.0.1 |
reshape | 0.8.5 |
gridExtra | 2.0.0 |
annotate | 1.44 |
GO.db | 3.0 |
KEGG.db | 3.0 |
Installation using FRAMA:
cd setup && Rscript --vanilla SETUP.R
In addition to FRAMA, you have to install all third-party tools described as 'mandatory' in the table above. Depending on your Linux platform, your package manager might bring you half the way through (see Manual Installation / Automatic Installation).
Installing FRAMA is quick and easy. Download and unpack this repository and make sure to set the permission to execute FRAMA. You can add FRAMA to your $PATH or create a symlink to FRAMA in one of the directories in $PATH.
Here is a suggest workflow, which adds FRAMA to your $PATH
chmod u+x FRAMA
export PATH
# run example
FRAMA example/testing.cfg
For instance, on Ubuntu (17.04) :
sudo apt-get install perl default-jre r-base-core \
ncbi-blast+ mafft emboss bowtie bowtie2 cd-hit \
bamtools samtools parallel libc6-i386 build-essential \
bioperl libparallel-forkmanager-perl libset-intspan-perl \
libfilehandle-unget-perl r-cran-ggplot2 r-cran-plyr \
r-cran-reshape lib32z1
Left to install manually:
Trinity, GENSCAN, Genblasta, RepeatMasker, TGICL
gridExtra, annotate, GO, KEGG.db
On 64bit platforms, FRAMA
attempts to download and install (as non-root)
missing software packages in very naive way. This might fail due to
different/missing library/compiler versions on your system.
Required prerequesites for automatic installation include at least:
zesty cmake zlib >= 1 (zlib1g-dev) ncurses >= 5 (libncurses5-dev) jre >= 1.7.0 g++-4.9 gcc-4.9 libc6 (libc6-i386) # genscan, tgicl lib32z1 # tgicl
Start automatic installation:
cd FRAMA/setup
GENSCAN must be downloaded manually, due to licence restrictions.
mkdir genscan && tar xvf genscanlinux.tar -C genscan
mv genscan $FRAMA_DIR/sources/.
ln -f -s $(readlink -f $FRAMA_DIR/sources/genscan/genscan) $FRAMA_DIR/bin/genscan
ln -f -s $(readlink -f $FRAMA_DIR/sources/genscan/) $FRAMA_DIR/bin/genscan.dir
Make sure all mandatory parameters are specified in the configuration file (see Configuration section). Then, call FRAMA with the appropriate configuration file.
FRAMA configuration_file
That's all. In case of aborts, consult logfiles and remove incomplete results. Rerunning the above command will complete remaining tasks.
Same as above, but shows all called processes.
FRAMA configuration_file verbose
Start from scratch (removes all created files beforehand).
FRAMA configuration_file scratch
FRAMA uses GNU make as a backbone. Parameters other than verbose
, scratch
, cleanup
are forwarded to make. For example, the following
lists all tasks without executing them.
FRAMA configuration_file -n
FRAMA creates a lot of intermediate files. See "output files" for further information about each file. We provide to two cleaning methods:
full-cleanup: keeps important files
FRAMA configuration_file full-cleanup
keeps the following files
cleanup: keeps intermediate files for each transcript processing and trinity directory
FRAMA configuration_file cleanup
additionally keeps:
Take a look at and try to run the provided example file in
before running FRAMA on your own data
This also serves as a template for your custom configuration.
The following depends mostly on your $PATH
variable. Specify path to
directories(!) of executables for each program that is not in your $PATH
Paths must be separated by space
PATH_ALL := /home/user/src/cd-hit/ /home/user/src/EMBOSS/bin/
PATH_GENSCAN_MAT := (point to Genscan Matrix to use)
PATH_BLASTDB := (point to Univector Database)
Indicate whether WU- or NCBI-BLAST should be used [0 WU, 1 NCBI].
Store intermediate and final files in specified location. Make sure that enough space is available to store intermediate output of trinity, blast results, read alignments, ...).
OUTPUT_DIR := /data/output
Input reads in fastq format. In case of paired end data, indicate elements of
pair by "R1" and "R2" in filename (Example: sampleA_R1.fq
, sampleA_R2.fq
All files must be in the same format (one of fastq, fasta, gzipped).
READ_DIR := /data/reads/
Reference transcriptome in GenBank format as provided by NCBI: -> [YOUR_REF_SPECIES] -> RNA/rna.gbk.gz
Specify taxonomy id of species to assemble. FRAMA connects to NCBI (once) to fetch necessary species information.
SPEC_TAXID := 458603
We use genome wide annotation packages from Bioconductor to assign functional annotation to the resulting transcript catalogue. Provide (and install) the annotation package corresponding to your reference species.
If you already have extracted mRNA and CDS sequences in FASTA format, provide them to FRAMA. Additionally, you can add a repeat (soft) masked FASTA of your reference sequence in order to skip RepeatMasking step.
REF_TRANSCRIPTOME_FASTA_MASKED := /data/human_mRNA.fa.masked
REF_TRANSCRIPTOME_FASTA_CDS := /data/human_cds.fa
REF_TRANSCRIPTOME_FASTA_CDS_MASKED := /data/human_cds.fa.masked
CDS inference is based on the coding sequence of the orthologous reference
transcript. You can extend the number of orthologs used to infere the
appropriate CDS by providing a table with mappings between orthologous
transcript from different species. The first column must contain accession of
the reference transcript. Add one column for each species you want to use and
use 'NA' to indicate unknown orthologs. Additionally, specify taxonomy ID of
each species in the first line (starting with #, tab separated). Keep in mind,
that we perform a multiple sequence alignments with all coding sequences.
Therefore, the number of species used will have an influence on runtime.
Additionally, you must provide a fasta file containing all coding sequences
mentioned in table (ORTHOLOG_FASTA
ORTHOLOG_TABLE := /data/ortholog_table.csv
ORTHOLOG_FASTA := /data/ortholog_cds.fa
Example content ORTHOLOG_TABLE
(also, take a look at
#9606 10090 10116 9615
NM_130786 NM_001081067 NM_022258 NA
NM_001198819 NM_001081074 NM_133400 XM_534776
NM_001198818 NM_001081074 NM_133400 XM_534776
We keep a note in GenBank output about the sequence name and species used to
annotated the CDS. If multiple equally valid coding sequencing are found, the
first species in SPECIES_ORDER
will be used. Please specify the order of
columns (0-based) in ORTHOLOG_TABLE
to indicate your preferred order of
species. Example:
Specify the primary processing steps you want to apply to the raw trinity
assembly (space separated list) in preferred order. Possible steps are: cd-hit
and tgicl
. Leave empty to skip primary processing.
Soft masks repeats in assembly and reference. Set to 0 if you want to skip repeat masking.
!Consult manual for external software!
Number of cpus. This will be used for any software which runs in parallel.
If SGE is available (qsub), it will be used for blast jobs. Specify number of jobs.
Single end (s) or paired end (pe) reads?
Consult trinity manual.
Added automatically: --no_cleanup
OPT_TRINITY := --JM 10G --seqType fa
Repeat masking reference/assembly.
Added automatically: -xsmall -par OPT_CPUS
OPT_REPEAT_REF_TRANSCRIPTOME := -species human -engine ncbi
OPT_REPEAT_ASSEMBLY := -species human -engine ncbi
Added automatically: -T OPT_CPUS
Added automatically: -c OPT_CPUS
Used to detect fusion transcript. Specify maximum overlap (-max-overlap
between CDS regions (specifically: blast hits by coding sequences of reference
transcriptome), minimum length of alignment (-min-frac-size
), identity
) and coverage (min-coverage
) thresholds.
OPT_FUSION := -max-overlap 5.0 -min-frac-size 200 -min-identity 70.0
-min-coverage 90.0
BLAST and GENBLASTA Paramater, respectively.
Added automatically: -wordmask=seg lcmask -topcomboN 3 -cpus 1
Specify minimum required identity and coverage to consider hit as SBH.
OPT_SBH := -identity=70.0 -coverage=30.0
Specify minimum required identity and contig coverage of blast hit to consider contig as possible scaffolding fragment.
OPT_FRAGMENTS := -identity 70.0 -query-coverage 90.0
Specify minimum overlap between fragments in alignment to apply filtering rules (example: keeps sequence with higher similarity to reference if fragments differ over 98% in overlap, if overlap exceed 66% of contig length)
OPT_SCAFFOLDING := -fragment-overlap 66.0 -fragment-identity 98.0
Add '-predictions' if you don't want to use predicted coding sequences (XM Accessions) for CDS inference. Don't use if your reference contains "XM" Accessions [TODO].
OPT_PREDICTCDS := -predictions
File | Description |
transcriptome.gbk * | GenBank file describing all annotated sequences. |
transcriptome_CDS.fa | Fasta with coding sequences. |
transcriptome_mRNA.fa | Fasta with transcript sequences (w/o introns; clipped ends). |
transcriptome_CDS.csv | Coordinates of CDS for mRNA sequences. |
assembly_pripro.fa | Trinity assembly after primary processing. |
annotation.pdf | General overview of transcript catalogue |
annotation.csv | Table containing summary for each annotated transcript. |
*mRNA feature instead of 'gene' feature to limit mRNA boundaries in case of misassembled contigs
Table containing GO Terms associated with each annotated transcript. Also, overview of covered GO Terms and genes in total (genes_per_ontology) and in more detail (genes_per_path).
Same as above, but for KEGG Pathways.
Trinity output (including intermediates).
Running FRAMA creates a lot intermediate output which might come in handy in downstream analysis. Each transcript assignment is stored in a separate directory in
with the naming pattern according to assigned ortholog.
This directory includes the following files:
Result in GenBank format.
Raw GENSCAN output.
Assignment of transcript accession to GENSCAN prediction based on blast hits.
Multiple sequence alignment with orth. species requested in ORTHOLOG_TABLE
BLAST databases for reference and assembly.
BLAST results including average for each HSP-group (avg_*
) and best hit per query (best_*