A vim plugin that handles Gentoo and portage related syntax highlighting, filetype, and indent settings.
emerge app-vim/gentoo-syntax
make PREFIX=~/.vim/ install
This plugin provides a syntax checker for ebuilds and eclasses. To enable it, you need to install Syntastic and pkgcheck first::
# emerge app-vim/syntastic dev-util/pkgcheck
Then you'll need to configure Syntastic (see :help syntastic-quickstart
and add the following line to your .vimrc file::
let g:syntastic_ebuild_checkers = ['pkgcheck']
To find non-POSIX code in OpenRC services, install dev-util/checkbashisms
and enable it for filetype "sh"::
let g:syntastic_sh_checkers = ['sh', 'checkbashisms']
.. _Syntastic: https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic .. _pkgcheck: https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck
A pkgcheck-based linter for ALE is also installed. It will be enabled automatically if pkgcheck is installed, no manual action is required.
.. _ALE: https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale
Please file issues or submit pull requests on github_.
.. _github: https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo-syntax
You may redistribute this package under the same terms as Vim itself.