geodesymiami / rsmas_insar

GNU General Public License v3.0
59 stars 23 forks source link

topStack error: different number of bursts () than the reference () #467

Closed falkamelung closed 3 years ago

falkamelung commented 3 years ago

Here I am documenting cases where this 'different number of bursts' error occurs. We can either exclude these dates or skip over the error. I think we should skip if it happens only for a few scenes and only a few bursts (here (here: 3/103 scenes and 2/8; the latter is the last, that is why we exclude).

Is there any way to list the number of bursts for each date, other than looking at coreg_secondarys ?

I currently do du -sh --total --block-size=G or ll geom_reference/*/hgt*rdr | wc -l.

cat out_run_07_merge_reference_secondary_slc.e
#### /scratch/05861/tg851601/KilaueaSenAT124/run_files/run_07_merge_reference_secondary_slc_0_20180917_9.e 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/rsmas_insar/3rdparty/miniconda3/share/isce2/topsStack/", line 251, in <module>
    raise ValueError('{} has different number of bursts ({}) than the reference ({})'.format(
ValueError: /tmp/coreg_secondarys/20180917 has different number of bursts (6) than the reference (8)
#### /scratch/05861/tg851601/KilaueaSenAT124/run_files/run_07_merge_reference_secondary_slc_0_20181005_12.e 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/rsmas_insar/3rdparty/miniconda3/share/isce2/topsStack/", line 251, in <module>
    raise ValueError('{} has different number of bursts ({}) than the reference ({})'.format(
ValueError: /tmp/coreg_secondarys/20181005 has different number of bursts (6) than the reference (8)
#### /scratch/05861/tg851601/KilaueaSenAT124/run_files/run_07_merge_reference_secondary_slc_0_20181029_15.e 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/rsmas_insar/3rdparty/miniconda3/share/isce2/topsStack/", line 251, in <module>
      raise ValueError('{} has different number of bursts ({}) than the reference ({})'.format(
ValueError: /tmp/coreg_secondarys/20181029 has different number of bursts (6) than the reference (8)
/KilaueaSenAT124[1007] dush coreg_secondarys/*
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20180911
7.1G    coreg_secondarys/20180917
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20180923
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20180929
7.1G    coreg_secondarys/20181005
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20181017
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20181023
7.1G    coreg_secondarys/20181029
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20181104
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20181110
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20181122
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20181128
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20181210
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20181216
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20190103
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20190115
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20190202
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20190220
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20190226
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20190310
8.7G    coreg_secondarys/20190316
//login3/scratch/05861/tg851601/KilaueaSenAT124[1008] dush secondarys/*                                                                                                                      
768K    secondarys/20180911
628K    secondarys/20180917
768K    secondarys/20180923
768K    secondarys/20180929
628K    secondarys/20181005
776K    secondarys/20181017
768K    secondarys/20181023
636K    secondarys/20181029
776K    secondarys/20181104
768K    secondarys/20181110
776K    secondarys/20181122
772K    secondarys/20181128
772K    secondarys/20181210
780K    secondarys/20181216
776K    secondarys/20190103
780K    secondarys/20190115
780K    secondarys/20190202
780K    secondarys/20190208
780K    secondarys/20190220
776K    secondarys/20190226
776K    secondarys/20190310
780K    secondarys/20190316
780K    secondarys/20190403
780K    secondarys/20190409
780K    secondarys/20190421
780K    secondarys/20190427
780K    secondarys/20190509
776K    secondarys/20190515
772K    secondarys/20190527
776K    secondarys/20190602
776K    secondarys/20190614
772K    secondarys/20190620
772K    secondarys/20190702
776K    secondarys/20190708
772K    secondarys/20190720
772K    secondarys/20190726
772K    secondarys/20190807
772K    secondarys/20190813
772K    secondarys/20190825
772K    secondarys/20190831
776K    secondarys/20190912
772K    secondarys/20190918
776K    secondarys/20190930
780K    secondarys/20191006
780K    secondarys/20191018
776K    secondarys/20191024
776K    secondarys/20191105
780K    secondarys/20191111
780K    secondarys/20191123
772K    secondarys/20191129
grep ^Valu out_run_09*
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141208_20150302 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150101_20150302 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150125_20150302 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150218_20150302 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150302_20150326 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150302_20150513 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150302_20150606 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150302_20150630 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160413_20160904 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160531_20160904 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160531_20160928 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160718_20160904 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160718_20160928 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160811_20160904 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160811_20160928 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160904_20160928 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160904_20161022 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160904_20161115 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160904_20161209 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160928_20161022 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160928_20161115 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160928_20161209 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160928_20170102 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20161022_20161209 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20161115_20161209 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20161115_20170219 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20161209_20170102 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20161209_20170126 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20161209_20170219 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20161209_20170303 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170102_20170219 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170102_20170303 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170126_20170219 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170126_20170303 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170219_20170303 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170219_20170315 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170219_20170327 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170219_20170408 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170303_20170315 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170303_20170327 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170303_20170408 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170303_20170420 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170315_20170408 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170315_20170420 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170327_20170408 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170327_20170420 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170327_20170514 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170408_20170420 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170408_20170502 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170408_20170514 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170408_20170526 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170420_20170502 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170420_20170514 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170420_20170526 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170420_20170607 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170502_20170514 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170514_20170526 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170514_20170607 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170514_20170619 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170514_20170701 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170526_20170701 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170607_20170701 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170619_20170701 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170701_20170725 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170701_20170806 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170701_20170818 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20170701_20170830 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200323_20200404 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200323_20200416 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200404_20200416 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200404_20200428 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200404_20200510 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200404_20200522 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200416_20200428 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200416_20200510 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200416_20200522 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200416_20200603 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200522_20200709 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200603_20200709 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200615_20200709 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200615_20200802 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200627_20200709 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200627_20200802 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200627_20200814 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200709_20200721 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200709_20200802 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200709_20200814 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200709_20200826 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200721_20200802 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200721_20200814 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200721_20200826 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200721_20200907 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200802_20200814 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200802_20200826 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200802_20200907 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200802_20200919 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200814_20200826 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200814_20200907 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200814_20200919 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200814_20201001 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200826_20200907 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200826_20200919 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200826_20201001 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200826_20201013 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200907_20200919 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200907_20201001 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200907_20201013 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200907_20201025 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200919_20201001 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200919_20201013 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200919_20201025 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20200919_20201106 has different number of bursts (18) than the reference (19)
 dush coreg_secondarys/*
20G     coreg_secondarys/20141021
20G     coreg_secondarys/20141114
20G     coreg_secondarys/20141208
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150101
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150125
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150218
19G     coreg_secondarys/20150302
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150513
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150606
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150630
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150724
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150817
20G     coreg_secondarys/20150910
20G     coreg_secondarys/20151004
20G     coreg_secondarys/20151028
20G     coreg_secondarys/20151121
20G     coreg_secondarys/20160108
20G     coreg_secondarys/20160225
20G     coreg_secondarys/20160413
20G     coreg_secondarys/20160531
20G     coreg_secondarys/20160718
20G     coreg_secondarys/20160811
19G     coreg_secondarys/20160904
19G     coreg_secondarys/20160928
20G     coreg_secondarys/20161022
20G     coreg_secondarys/20161115
19G     coreg_secondarys/20161209
20G     coreg_secondarys/20170102
20G     coreg_secondarys/20170126
19G     coreg_secondarys/20170219
19G     coreg_secondarys/20170303
20G     coreg_secondarys/20170315
20G     coreg_secondarys/20170327
19G     coreg_secondarys/20170408
19G     coreg_secondarys/20170420
20G     coreg_secondarys/20170502
19G     coreg_secondarys/20170514
20G     coreg_secondarys/20170526
dush secondarys/*                                                                                                                     
1.8M    secondarys/20141021
1.8M    secondarys/20141114
1.8M    secondarys/20141208
1.8M    secondarys/20150101
1.8M    secondarys/20150125
1.8M    secondarys/20150218
1.7M    secondarys/20150302
1.8M    secondarys/20150513
1.8M    secondarys/20150606
1.8M    secondarys/20150630
1.8M    secondarys/20150724
1.8M    secondarys/20150817
1.8M    secondarys/20150910
1.8M    secondarys/20151004
1.8M    secondarys/20151028
1.8M    secondarys/20151121
1.8M    secondarys/20160108
1.8M    secondarys/20160225
1.8M    secondarys/20160413
1.8M    secondarys/20160531
1.8M    secondarys/20160718
1.8M    secondarys/20160811
1.7M    secondarys/20160904
1.7M    secondarys/20160928
1.8M    secondarys/20161022
1.8M    secondarys/20161115
1.7M    secondarys/20161209
1.8M    secondarys/20170102
1.8M    secondarys/20170126
1.7M    secondarys/20170219
1.7M    secondarys/20170303
1.8M    secondarys/20170315
1.8M    secondarys/20170327
1.7M    secondarys/20170408
1.7M    secondarys/20170420
1.8M    secondarys/20170502
1.7M    secondarys/20170514
1.8M    secondarys/20170526
1.8M    secondarys/20170607
1.8M    secondarys/20170619
falkamelung commented 3 years ago

KokoxiliBigChunk31SenAT41 No reference (uses first image: 20141020)

//login3/scratch/05861/tg851601/KokoxiliBigChunk31SenAT41[1090] grep ^ValueError out_run_09*
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141020_20141113 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141020_20150124 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141113_20141207 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141113_20141231 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141113_20150124 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141113_20150217 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141207_20150124 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141231_20150124 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141231_20150325 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150124_20150217 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150124_20150301 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150124_20150325 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150124_20150418 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150217_20150325 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150301_20150325 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150325_20150418 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150325_20150512 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150325_20150605 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150325_20150723 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150723_20151120 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150816_20151120 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151003_20151120 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151003_20160107 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151027_20151120 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151027_20160107 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151027_20160131 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151120_20151214 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151120_20160107 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151120_20160131 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151120_20160224 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151214_20160107 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151214_20160131 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151214_20160319 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160107_20160131 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160107_20160224 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160107_20160319 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160107_20160412 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160131_20160224 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160131_20160319 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160131_20160412 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160131_20160506 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160224_20160319 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160224_20160412 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160319_20160412 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160319_20160506 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160319_20160530 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160319_20160810 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160412_20160506 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160412_20160530 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160412_20160810 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160412_20160903 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
dush coreg_secondarys/*
12G coreg_secondarys/20141113
16G coreg_secondarys/20141207
16G coreg_secondarys/20141231
12G coreg_secondarys/20150124
16G coreg_secondarys/20150217
16G coreg_secondarys/20150301
12G coreg_secondarys/20150325
16G coreg_secondarys/20150418
16G coreg_secondarys/20150512
16G coreg_secondarys/20150605
16G coreg_secondarys/20150723
16G coreg_secondarys/20150816
16G coreg_secondarys/20151003
16G coreg_secondarys/20151027
15G coreg_secondarys/20151120
16G coreg_secondarys/20151214
15G coreg_secondarys/20160107
15G coreg_secondarys/20160131
16G coreg_secondarys/20160224
15G coreg_secondarys/20160319
15G coreg_secondarys/20160412
16G coreg_secondarys/20160506
16G coreg_secondarys/20160530
16G coreg_secondarys/20160810
16G coreg_secondarys/20160903
16G coreg_secondarys/20161021
16G coreg_secondarys/20161114
16G coreg_secondarys/20170101
umber of dates : 162
List of dates : 
['20141020', '20141113', '20141207', '20141231', '20150124', '20150217', '20150301', '20150325', '20150418', '20150512', '20150605', '20150629', '20150723', '20150816', '20150909', '20151003', '20151027', '20151120', '20151214', '20160107', '20160131', '20160224', '20160319', '20160412', '20160506', '20160530', '20160717', '20160810', '20160903', '20160927', '20161021', '20161114', '20161208', '20170101', '20170125', '20170206', '20170218', '20170302', '20170314', '20170326', '20170407', '20170419', '20170501', '20170513', '20170525', '20170606', '20170618', '20170630', '20170712', '20170724', '20170805', '20170817', '20170829', '20170910', '20170922', '20171004', '20171016', '20171028', '20171109', '20171121', '20171203', '20171215', '20171227', '20180108', '20180120', '20180201', '20180213', '20180225', '20180321', '20180402', '20180414', '20180426', '20180508', '20180601', '20180613', '20180625', '20180707', '20180719', '20180731', '20180812', '20180824', '20180905', '20180917', '20180929', '20181011', '20181023', '20181104', '20181116', '20181128', '20181210', '20181222', '20190103', '20190115', '20190127', '20190208', '20190220', '20190304', '20190316', '20190328', '20190409', '20190421', '20190503', '20190515', '20190527', '20190608', '20190620', '20190702', '20190714', '20190726', '20190807', '20190819', '20190831', '20190912', '20190924', '20191006', '20191018', '20191030', '20191111', '20191123', '20191205', '20191217', '20191229', '20200110', '20200122', '20200203', '20200215', '20200227', '20200310', '20200322', '20200403', '20200415', '20200427', '20200509', '20200521', '20200602', '20200614', '20200626', '20200708', '20200720', '20200801', '20200813', '20200825', '20200906', '20200918', '20200930', '20201012', '20201024', '20201105', '20201117', '20201129', '20201211', '20201223', '20210104', '20210116', '20210128', '20210209', '20210221', '20210305', '20210317', '20210329', '20210410', '20210422']
date      south      north
20141020 29.262741 32.83709
20141113 30.814228 32.83733
20141207 29.262514 32.836712
20141231 29.262957 32.837425
20150124 30.813782 32.837715
20150217 29.263367 32.837059
20150301 29.262827 32.837059
20150325 30.756332 32.836128
20150418 29.262424 32.836987
20150512 29.26243 32.837254
20150605 29.262255 32.837429
20150629 29.26222 31.293936
20150723 29.262495 32.836842
20150816 29.261696 32.835766
20150909 29.261328 31.293306
20151003 29.262011 32.836613
20151027 29.262386 32.836548
20151120 28.929863 32.506466
20151214 28.928713 33.998978
20160107 30.481792 33.99823
20160131 28.929062 32.505272
20160224 28.928568 33.998348
20160319 30.481298 33.997742
20160412 28.927896 32.504475
20160506 28.927887 33.998177
20160530 29.094967 32.670486
20160717 29.095146 31.177433
20160810 29.095856 32.671974
20160903 29.096395 32.671722
20160927 29.096746 31.179018
20161021 29.095585 32.67136
20161114 29.096165 32.671986
20161208 29.095837 31.17844
20170101 29.09609 32.672169
20170125 29.096031 32.671749
20170206 29.095881 31.17845
20170218 30.038754 33.559364
20170302 30.03863 33.559097
20170314 29.540493 31.567671
20170326 29.540306 33.059696
20170407 29.540668 33.060081
20170419 29.540201 31.567276
20170501 29.53966 33.059311
20170513 29.539936 33.060059
20170525 29.540644 31.567654
20170606 29.540316 33.0597
20170618 29.541075 33.060749
20170630 29.540552 31.567738
20170712 29.540541 33.06068
20170724 29.539986 33.05986
20170805 29.540848 31.568108
20170817 29.540596 33.059643
20170829 29.540485 33.060143
20170910 29.540932 31.56834
20170922 29.539524 33.060135
20171004 29.54081 33.06057
20171016 29.540411 31.567728
20171028 29.540699 33.059887
20171109 29.54077 33.059826
20171121 29.539799 31.567238
20171203 29.540262 33.060253
20171215 29.540361 33.060371
20171227 29.54151 31.568611
20180108 29.541201 33.060516
20180120 29.540497 33.06052
20180201 29.540056 31.567587
20180213 29.540785 33.060062
20180225 29.540565 33.060246
20180321 29.540306 31.56752
20180402 29.540121 33.059883
20180414 29.540468 33.060223
20180426 29.540422 31.567459
20180508 29.540363 33.060017
20180601 29.540075 33.059467
20180613 29.539944 31.567459
20180625 29.54067 33.060421
20180707 29.539816 33.059719
20180719 29.540442 31.567636
20180731 29.540554 33.060219
20180812 29.540577 33.0602
20180824 29.540464 31.567762
20180905 29.54073 33.060268
20180917 29.540504 33.060421
20180929 29.540693 31.567867
20181011 29.540718 33.060478
20181023 29.540569 33.06057
20181104 29.540363 31.567427
20181116 29.540524 33.060333
20181128 29.540283 33.059837
20181210 29.539965 31.567028
20181222 29.539841 33.059464
20190103 29.540657 33.060303
20190115 29.540813 31.567917
20190127 29.540512 33.060059
20190208 29.540918 33.060452
20190220 29.540516 31.567327
20190304 29.540321 33.05983
20190316 29.540037 33.059708
20190328 29.539803 31.567024
20190409 29.540199 33.059738
20190421 29.539686 33.059559
20190503 29.539547 31.566797
20190515 29.539549 33.059307
20190527 29.53993 33.05946
20190608 29.540041 31.567234
20190620 29.540361 33.059868
20190702 29.539692 33.060081
20190714 29.54001 31.567392
20190726 29.539557 33.060253
20190807 29.5394 33.059616
20190819 29.539307 31.566706
20190831 29.539907 33.060295
20190912 29.539915 33.060452
20190924 29.540054 31.56723
20191006 29.540255 33.060581
20191018 29.540215 33.060516
20191030 29.539988 31.567158
20191111 29.540119 33.060398
20191123 29.539726 33.06052
20191205 29.540024 31.567501
20191217 29.539732 33.060551
20191229 29.540068 33.060478
20200110 29.539547 31.566959
20200122 29.539795 33.060455
20200203 29.540005 33.060436
20200215 29.539558 31.567162
20200227 29.539618 33.059799
20200310 29.539837 33.060234
20200322 29.539543 31.566835
20200403 29.539415 33.059975
20200415 29.539667 33.06023
20200427 29.539896 31.56695
20200509 29.539652 33.059822
20200521 29.538588 33.059376
20200602 29.53895 31.566481
20200614 29.538855 33.059525
20200626 29.538868 33.059181
20200708 29.538723 31.566128
20200720 29.538809 33.059334
20200801 29.539658 33.059933
20200813 29.539751 31.567078
20200825 29.539925 33.060497
20200906 29.540092 33.060619
20200918 29.539921 31.567415
20200930 29.539593 33.060371
20201012 29.539906 33.060345
20201024 29.539782 31.567131
20201105 29.539627 33.059937
20201117 29.539389 33.060303
20201129 29.539726 31.567261
20201211 29.539845 33.06039
20201223 29.540476 33.060905
20210104 29.539528 33.060215
20210116 29.539394 33.059944
20210128 29.539396 33.059914
20210209 29.539246 33.059528
20210221 29.540676 33.060989
20210305 29.539139 33.059734
20210317 29.539022 33.059601
20210329 29.538692 33.059231
20210410 29.539129 33.059677
20210422 29.538986 33.059555
The overlap region among all dates (based on the preview kml files):
 South   North   East  West 
30.814228 31.177433 89.733864 92.312187
All dates (162)
['20141020', '20141113', '20141207', '20141231', '20150124', '20150217', '20150301', '20150325', '20150418', '20150512', '20150605', '20150629', '20150723', '20150816', '20150909', '20151003', '20151027', '20151120', '20151214', '20160107', '20160131', '20160224', '20160319', '20160412', '20160506', '20160530', '20160717', '20160810', '20160903', '20160927', '20161021', '20161114', '20161208', '20170101', '20170125', '20170206', '20170218', '20170302', '20170314', '20170326', '20170407', '20170419', '20170501', '20170513', '20170525', '20170606', '20170618', '20170630', '20170712', '20170724', '20170805', '20170817', '20170829', '20170910', '20170922', '20171004', '20171016', '20171028', '20171109', '20171121', '20171203', '20171215', '20171227', '20180108', '20180120', '20180201', '20180213', '20180225', '20180321', '20180402', '20180414', '20180426', '20180508', '20180601', '20180613', '20180625', '20180707', '20180719', '20180731', '20180812', '20180824', '20180905', '20180917', '20180929', '20181011', '20181023', '20181104', '20181116', '20181128', '20181210', '20181222', '20190103', '20190115', '20190127', '20190208', '20190220', '20190304', '20190316', '20190328', '20190409', '20190421', '20190503', '20190515', '20190527', '20190608', '20190620', '20190702', '20190714', '20190726', '20190807', '20190819', '20190831', '20190912', '20190924', '20191006', '20191018', '20191030', '20191111', '20191123', '20191205', '20191217', '20191229', '20200110', '20200122', '20200203', '20200215', '20200227', '20200310', '20200322', '20200403', '20200415', '20200427', '20200509', '20200521', '20200602', '20200614', '20200626', '20200708', '20200720', '20200801', '20200813', '20200825', '20200906', '20200918', '20200930', '20201012', '20201024', '20201105', '20201117', '20201129', '20201211', '20201223', '20210104', '20210116', '20210128', '20210209', '20210221', '20210305', '20210317', '20210329', '20210410', '20210422']

dates covering the bbox (118)
['20141020', '20141113', '20141207', '20141231', '20150124', '20150217', '20150301', '20150325', '20150418', '20150512', '20150605', '20150723', '20150816', '20151003', '20151027', '20151120', '20151214', '20160107', '20160131', '20160224', '20160319', '20160412', '20160506', '20160530', '20160810', '20160903', '20161021', '20161114', '20170101', '20170125', '20170218', '20170302', '20170326', '20170407', '20170501', '20170513', '20170606', '20170618', '20170712', '20170724', '20170817', '20170829', '20170922', '20171004', '20171028', '20171109', '20171203', '20171215', '20180108', '20180120', '20180213', '20180225', '20180402', '20180414', '20180508', '20180601', '20180625', '20180707', '20180731', '20180812', '20180905', '20180917', '20181011', '20181023', '20181116', '20181128', '20181222', '20190103', '20190127', '20190208', '20190304', '20190316', '20190409', '20190421', '20190515', '20190527', '20190620', '20190702', '20190726', '20190807', '20190831', '20190912', '20191006', '20191018', '20191111', '20191123', '20191217', '20191229', '20200122', '20200203', '20200227', '20200310', '20200403', '20200415', '20200509', '20200521', '20200614', '20200626', '20200720', '20200801', '20200825', '20200906', '20200930', '20201012', '20201105', '20201117', '20201211', '20201223', '20210104', '20210116', '20210128', '20210209', '20210221', '20210305', '20210317', '20210329', '20210410', '20210422']

The reference date was not chosen. The first date is considered as reference date.

All SLCs will be coregistered to : 20141020
secondary dates :
['20141113', '20141207', '20141231', '20150124', '20150217', '20150301', '20150325', '20150418', '20150512', '20150605', '20150723', '20150816', '20151003', '20151027', '20151120', '20151214', '20160107', '20160131', '20160224', '20160319', '20160412', '20160506', '20160530', '20160810', '20160903', '20161021', '20161114', '20170101', '20170125', '20170218', '20170302', '20170326', '20170407', '20170501', '20170513', '20170606', '20170618', '20170712', '20170724', '20170817', '20170829', '20170922', '20171004', '20171028', '20171109', '20171203', '20171215', '20180108', '20180120', '20180213', '20180225', '20180402', '20180414', '20180508', '20180601', '20180625', '20180707', '20180731', '20180812', '20180905', '20180917', '20181011', '20181023', '20181116', '20181128', '20181222', '20190103', '20190127', '20190208', '20190304', '20190316', '20190409', '20190421', '20190515', '20190527', '20190620', '20190702', '20190726', '20190807', '20190831', '20190912', '20191006', '20191018', '20191111', '20191123', '20191217', '20191229', '20200122', '20200203', '20200227', '20200310', '20200403', '20200415', '20200509', '20200521', '20200614', '20200626', '20200720', '20200801', '20200825', '20200906', '20200930', '20201012', '20201105', '20201117', '20201211', '20201223', '20210104', '20210116', '20210128', '20210209', '20210221', '20210305', '20210317', '20210329', '20210410', '20210422']
falkamelung commented 3 years ago

KokoxiliBigChunk40SenAT41 No referenceDate (uses first image: 20141020)

//login3/scratch/05861/tg851601/KokoxiliBigChunk40SenAT41[1111] grep ^ValueError out_run_09*
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141020_20141113 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141020_20150124 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141113_20141207 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141113_20141231 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141113_20150124 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141113_20150217 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141207_20150124 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141231_20150124 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20141231_20150325 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150124_20150217 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150124_20150301 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150124_20150325 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150124_20150512 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150217_20150325 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150301_20150325 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150325_20150512 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150325_20150605 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150325_20150723 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150325_20150816 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150723_20151120 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20150816_20151120 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151003_20151120 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151003_20160107 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151027_20151120 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151027_20160107 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151027_20160131 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151120_20151214 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151120_20160107 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151120_20160131 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151120_20160224 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151214_20160107 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151214_20160131 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20151214_20160319 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160107_20160131 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160107_20160224 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160107_20160319 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160107_20160412 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160131_20160224 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160131_20160319 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160131_20160412 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160131_20160506 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160224_20160319 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160224_20160412 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160319_20160412 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160319_20160506 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160319_20160530 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160319_20160810 has different number of bursts (9) than the reference (10)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160412_20160506 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160412_20160530 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160412_20160810 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
ValueError: /tmp/interferograms/20160412_20160903 has different number of bursts (8) than the reference (9)
dush coreg_secondarys/*
12G coreg_secondarys/20141113
16G coreg_secondarys/20141207
16G coreg_secondarys/20141231
12G coreg_secondarys/20150124
16G coreg_secondarys/20150217
16G coreg_secondarys/20150301
12G coreg_secondarys/20150325
16G coreg_secondarys/20150512
16G coreg_secondarys/20150605
16G coreg_secondarys/20150723
16G coreg_secondarys/20150816
16G coreg_secondarys/20151003
16G coreg_secondarys/20151027
16G coreg_secondarys/20151120
16G coreg_secondarys/20151214
15G coreg_secondarys/20160107
16G coreg_secondarys/20160131
16G coreg_secondarys/20160224
15G coreg_secondarys/20160319
16G coreg_secondarys/20160412
16G coreg_secondarys/20160506
16G coreg_secondarys/20160530
16G coreg_secondarys/20160810
16G coreg_secondarys/20160903
16G coreg_secondarys/20161021
16G coreg_secondarys/20161114
16G coreg_secondarys/20170101
16G coreg_secondarys/20170125
16G coreg_secondarys/20170218
16G coreg_secondarys/20170302
16G coreg_secondarys/20170326
16G coreg_secondarys/20170407
16G coreg_secondarys/20170501
16G coreg_secondarys/20170513
16G coreg_secondarys/20170606
16G coreg_secondarys/20170618
16G coreg_secondarys/20170712
16G coreg_secondarys/20170724
16G coreg_secondarys/20170817
16G coreg_secondarys/20170829
16G coreg_secondarys/20170922