geological-survey-of-queensland / borehole-database

Borehole database specification for Geological Survey of Queensland
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Borehole Database Review #3

Open KellyVance opened 4 years ago

KellyVance commented 4 years ago

Terminology A borehole is a narrow shaft bored in the ground. But narrow relative to what? Is shaft the best word?

'Borehole' is synonymous with a range of terms including 'well', 'bore', 'drillhole and corehole. -< missing single quote marks.

A more accurate description would be "including the extraction of water, oil, and natural gas". Boreholes are synonymous with a range of terms including well, bore, drillhole and corehole.

Derivation For minerals the data schema being used for ingest is based on the GGIC data templates

The borehole database "The Geological Survey of Queensland is creating a new database of boreholes to replace the borehole records that are currently held in the existing MERLIN system." Inclination, Azimuth, and Well Design are a bundle of concepts.

Inclination is also annoyingly dealt with differently by minerals and petroleum. Vertical is -90° in minerals and 0° in petroleum.

Borehole data elements Association is better dealt with at the wellbore level. It is more useful to know what hole was the parent wellbore than just that a wellbore had a parent.

Move origin circumstance up to live with origin lat long and elevation

Other elements QWRC RN ? Rig release - include hylogger ? TD logger - doesn't hurt to include Perforation - would link to separate engineering dataset

Borehole data mapping to industry reporting templates Association should be at wellbore level purpose/type = coal, petroleum, mineral sub-purpose = Petroleum (exploration, appraisal, development), Coal (LOX etc) status should be recorded in all or inferable from events

See azimuth and inclination comments above

surface circumstance -> origin circumstance

Borehole data mapping to standards For petroleum bore_id the government borehole number bore_name is a concatenation of well_name and well_num

Borehole vocabularies move/add coalLog purpose into the sub-purpose. Will need collections in sub-purpose for pet, coal, min

Drilling method can be synonymous with bit type. But males more sense at the borehole or drilling interval level as an engineering dataset. each borehole may be drilled using several different methods.

borehole status. CoalLog isnt quite fit for our purposes. refer to status life cycle in borehole profile

borehole inclination (see comments above)

Reporting guideline lookup values Needs a deeper review to get alignment across all reporting templates and guidelines.

GSQ-AI commented 4 years ago

I didn't particularly want to start a new thread for my review, because I'm not sure of anything. The biggest issue I have right now is that I'm not quite sure of the purpose of the document.

Are we defining the technical aspects of a borehole database? If so, wouldn't this be a duplication of effort, especially after the creation of the Borehole Profile? Or is this document more for the socialisation of the concept of a borehole database?

We've defined what the borehole database is for, but not what the audience/purpose of the document is.

@DavidCrosswellGSQ @KellyVance

DavidCrosswellGSQ commented 4 years ago

I have added a purpose section at the top of the document. Hope this satisfies the question.

Purpose of this document Provide a specification for the new GSQ Borehole Database that: Accurately defines the business requirements Is a key input to the software design process for a software developer